Paladin Dad Chapter 641

"Zuo Yi Sir, please!"

In front of Chunxiao Tea House, the white shirt old man personally opened the rear seat door of Rolls Royce for Zuo Yi.

After Zuo Yi got into the car, he also sat in the co-pilot position.

The person in charge of driving was the middle-aged man, who had been to the tea house's elegant room with the white shirt old man just now.

This middle-aged man is certainly not an ordinary character, but at the moment he is quite nervous like the old man in a white shirt.

If Zuo Yi breaks out on the way to Bai's Manor, they are unlikely to survive.

It is normal for him to have such concerns.

As the so-called son of a thousand gold can't sit down, instead, he must be unwilling to run into the opposite nest.

He was afraid Zuo Yi would repent on the road.

But the worry of this middle-aged man is obviously superfluous. Zuo Yi is also trying to meet the Patriarch of the Bai Family, hereditary town of Nannan.

Bai Family is a special presence in China.

Other Guixun families, unless they make great merits, the title is passed down from one generation to the next, and the former glory will be lost for several generations.

The Bai Family's succession to the Patriarch hereditary town south has never changed for centuries.

Although it has not reached the level of separation, the Bai Family's status in An Yue has always been stable. The previous Chinese cabinets have basically been Huairou-based and have not moved.

Zuo Yi doesn't know much about Bai Family. What I know so far is from Fang Xiaohui.

For example, he knows that the current Bai Family Patriarch is called Bai Jingsuan

The Zhennan Hou is unusual. He awakened to become a Transcendent very early, and possesses the strength of A-Rank Peak.

Some people also say that Bai Jingnuo is annoyed

The Bai Family Patriarch does not like to make a public appearance, and usually spends most of his life in closed-door cultivation, leaving the family affairs to others to manage.

But no one can ignore his existence!

When Rolls Royce left Chunxiao Tea House, Zuo Yi was lost in thought.

This time to visit the Bai Family in Spring City, it should be regarded as an unexpected situation. Then the question comes, what should he do next is the most appropriate, and the scale is not easy to grasp.

You can't destroy Bai Family without saying a word, right?

But this idea …

Quite tempting.

Except for Zhang Longqing, who has been killed by Zuo Yi, at this moment sitting with him in a white shirt old man and middle-aged driver in Rolls-Royce is not a good thing!

Dīng líng líng !

Just then, the phone in Zuo Yi's pocket suddenly rang.

The white shirt old man and middle-aged man were shocked at the same time.

Zuo Yi glanced at them, then pulled the phone out of his pocket to connect.

"Zuo Yi, what's going on with you?"

It was Wu Yongjian who called Zuo Yi.

Wu Yongjian, who was far away in Hangzhou, just got some news. He knew that Zuo Yi had fallen in love with Bai Family, so he immediately called and asked Zuo Yi for the situation.


Zuo Yi said with a smile: "I'm on my way to Bai's Manor now."

"Be careful."

Wu Yongjian lowered his voice and said, "Bai Jingnuo Huangji and the words Na Na and Song Song's arbitration round is still awkward!

Regarding the safety of Zuo Yi, the chief of the Jiangnan Extraordinary Management Office not at all was worried because he knew very well how powerful Zuo Yi was, and he would definitely not fall in the sewer in the Bai Family.

He just reminded Zuo Yi to beware of Bai Jingshui

Rolls-Royce entered the main road and smoothly moved towards the outside of the city, with rolling hills visible in the distance.

Bai Family's ancestral house is in the center of the ancient city district, but the core family members of the family usually do not live in the ancestral house. The Bai Family Manor located under the Wulong Mountain outside the city is their real home.

Bai's Manor is more than ten kilometers away from the urban area. Both sides of the special road are lush and green woods. The high-standard black asphalt road leads to the foot of the mountain, which is spacious and clean without any damage.

The nature environment here is very good, there is a small lake at the end of the road, and Bai's Manor is located on the lakeside, with the mountain behind.

After two Dao Sect security checks, the car drove into the manor house and eventually stopped in front of a Chinese villa.


Zuo Yi left Rolls-Royce and entered the villa under the guidance of a white shirt old man.

This villa has a large area, and the hall is similar to the lobby of a luxury hotel. There are as many as XNUMX or XNUMX men and women sitting or standing in it, like a star-shaped moon, surrounded by a Chinese costume sitting on a master chair. .

Behind them, a large picture of a tiger descending from the mountain hung in the center of the main wall of the hall.

When Zuo Yi entered the hall, everyone's eyes focused on him.

Suspicious, curious, angry, alert …

The Tang suit old man eyes opened stood up, and cup one fist in the other hand said, "Left Earl is coming here, the Bai Family is flourishing!"

Zuo Yi responded: "Zhennanhou is polite."

He didn't know Bai Jing Niu Yuan had been recruited

The most important thing is that although Tang suit old man suppressed his Extraordinary fluctuations to the lowest level, he still couldn't hide Zuo Yi's strong spiritual perception.

A-Rank Peak Transcendent, only one line away from Alpha!

"Please sit down."

Zuo Yi sat down on a guest seat apparently reserved for him, and a pretty maid brought tea.

Pa pa!

Bai Jing fat lover Woluo pasture rate final beer

I saw a young man in his twenties and under thirty walked out in a cower, holding a flower pot in his hand.

A flowering orchid is planted in the flowerpot, and the jade green petals of the blue leaf are white, and you can smell the pleasant and fragrant fragrance released by it from a long distance!

This is undoubtedly the Chelan that caused the incident, and it does have something extraordinary.

An Extraordinary plant.

Zuo Yi knew it at a glance-no wonder Zhang Longqing would deliberately frame Gao Feng and take the orchid as his own.

"Left Earl …"

Bai Jingpan's file is broken, and I do n't care about Erythema sibiricum, but I 'm so lazy, I 'm going to look at the peptide, I 'm going to look at this, I 'm going to dazzle, and I 'm going to take it!

He pointed to the young man holding the orchid and said, "As for him …"

White bokeh spitting mail frame

Immediately, two sturdy black clothed men walked over, one took the flowerpot, and one grabbed the young man's shoulders.

Ka-cha !

The sound of cracked bones suddenly sounded, and the young man could not help but groaned, and sweat was exuding on his forehead.

Although he was extremely distressed, he resisted not screaming, but had several points of hard temper.

This is obviously the cheap brother-in-law of Zhang Longqing.

Bai Jingpai, Fang Cong, Paradox, Bai Jun, Jun Yi, Mu Huai Jun

Zuo Yi smiled.