Paladin Dad Chapter 648

Bai's Manor is known to everyone in Spring City. Its fame is not only derived from the prestige of the Bai Family, it is also a unique cultural landscape.

The overall design of Bai's Manor was developed by the master of modern architecture Bei Jingtong, using a combination of Chinese and Western styles. It took XNUMX years to complete the construction. The manpower and material resources consumed can be called astronomical figures.

And this super estate covering an area of ​​more than XNUMX acres also brings together the wealth and sin of the An Yue Bai Family.

Money is wealth, and sin is sin!

With the demise of the Bai Family, a large engineering team appeared on the periphery of Bai's Manor.

The engineers first demolished the fence outside the park, followed by an excavator hong long long over the valuable lawn, leaving a deep track indentation.

Then he started digging in the circled position in the manor.

The efficiency of the joint operation of XNUMX or XNUMX advanced excavators is unquestionable. With the efforts of hundreds of engineers, the secret of the Bai Family buried underground was exposed to broad daylight in just one morning. .

Under the White House, there is a large Earth Palace hidden!

By the afternoon of the next day, the main part of the Earth Palace was basically dug out, and then engineers blasted the closed passageway and began to destroy the traps of the organs arranged inside.

During the excavation construction, an armed Battle Armor task force was always stationed in the vicinity.

Until the arrival of Zuo Yi.

This is the sixth day of Zuo Yi's arrival in Spring City.

The reason for staying so long is that the resistance of the Bai Family's remaining forces has caused the instability in the Spring City area, and especially the Transcendent of many Bai Family has been desperate in despair and caused considerable losses.

But with Zuo Yi, an alpha powerhouse, these clowns couldn't make much waves, and they were quickly suppressed by Suppression.

When Qin Wuyang rushed from Beijing to Spring City, the big picture was set.

Originally Qin Wuyang came, Zuo Yi was planning to return to Hangzhou, but the former brought him a cabinet resolution.

Bai Family has been guarding Anyue for hundreds of years. It seems that the overlord has existed, and has accumulated a lot of wealth.

With the demise of the Bai Family, the wealth of the Bai Family, all related family industries and bank accounts were frozen and blocked, and it was left to clean up the treasury slowly afterwards.

When these wealth is converted into cash, it is definitely an astronomical number, at least, it can make China eat a full stomach.

But the things hidden in the Bai Family are definitely a fortune.

There are no airtight walls in the world, and the existence of Earth Palace on the ground floor of Bai's Manor is not only a secret known to Bai Family talents.

It's just that there are only a few core members of the Bai Family who know exactly how much is hidden in the Earth Palace.

However, the Chinese cabinet opened an emergency secret meeting under the auspices of Prime Minister Zhang Zonghan, and decided to hand over all the wealth to Zuo Yi in recognition of his contribution.

The tumor of An Yue Bai Family can be cut off without paying too much. Zuo Yi is the biggest contributor.

It was he who destroyed the core battle strength of the Bai Family and captured the Bai Family Patriarch town of Nanbai Bai Niu Niu Pangou Mo Sheng Mu Yuan Zhun Yi Hou to remove ambiguous coughs and guess a certain sun Aomu Beech Field

Although there are not a few people in the cabinet who are eager to hide the wealth of the Bai Family, no one dares to oppose Zhang Zonghan's proposal.

Although Zuo Yi has no influence background, he is enough to match the gatekeepers of a family. Many people think that Zuo Yi is Earth's strongest alpha, and his past record also proves this.

Imagine how stupid it is to oppose such a super strong enemy for something that may not be available!

Those who can have a place in China's cabinet are not stupid.

"Everything inside …"

Together with Zuo Yi, Qin Wuyang of the Bai Family Manor said to him, "You can take them all."

Qin Wuyang is not worried that Zuo Yi will not be taken away. It is no secret that the latter has space equipment.

Zuo Yi smiled.

For Zuo Yi now, money is really just numbers. No matter how much money he wants, as long as he speaks, someone will definitely come to you.

But he is still a bit interested in the Bai Family's hundreds of years of accumulation, because there may be things he needs.

As for the others, Zuo Yi also figured out the solution.

Bai Family's Earth Palace has a very high-grade building. After long-term continuous transformation and reinforcement, the defense against nuclear weapons is no problem.

And there are so many organs inside, there are death traps everywhere.

But destruction is much easier than construction. Under the control of no one, even the strongest fortress is also a flesh for human slaughter.

Zuo Yi and Qin Wuyang entered the Earth Palace through the gap.

This large Earth Palace is divided into four major parts. The largest is the refuge. The interior has a very complete living system that is enough to accommodate hundreds of people to live in it for several years.

Followed by treasure chests and arsenals.

The connecting passages of the two large warehouses have been cleaned up. The arsenal was first opened. After preliminary inspection by engineers, the various modern weapons and equipment stored in it were enough to arm a full editor. This shows the ambition of the Bai Family.

But compared to the treasure trove, the arsenal is nothing at all.

The area of ​​the treasure house is second only to the refuge. Its interior is divided into more than a dozen different warehouses, each of which is large in size and can accommodate a large number of items.

The entrance to the treasure house was sealed by a thick alloy door. The engineers used the most advanced high-energy laser cutting equipment and it took more than two hours to cut it.

The collection inside is shocking!

The first storehouse is gold, and the 10 kg standard gold bricks are piled into hills, at least two or three hundred tons!

According to the current gold price, at least XNUMX million yuan per ton of gold, here is a wealth of tens of billions.

"Bai Family …"

Facing the glittering golden brick mountains of golden light, Qin Wuyang couldn't help but shook the head. I didn't know if I was sorry or sighed.

Qin Family is also a gatekeeper, but in terms of wealth, it is really far behind Bai Family.

At least there is no such treasure house in the Qin Family, and there will never be hundreds of tons of gold reserves.

And this gold is just the tip of the iceberg of Bai Family wealth!

It can really be described as a rich country.

Qin Wuyang couldn't help but think that if those old fellows in China's cabinet were allowed to see the gold here, I wonder if they would still agree with Zhang Zonghan's proposal so happily?

It is estimated that even if I agree, my heart will be tangled!

He turned his head and looked towards Zuo Yi, only to find that the latter looked indifferent, and his eyes were calm.

As if not in front of gold worth tens of billions, but a pile of junk!