Paladin Dad Chapter 651

A few days away, everything is fine at home.

This evening Bao'er, Gu Yunxi, Fang Yonghe, Chen Wan, and Qiqi were all there. Although Zuo Yi returned suddenly, everyone was used to it and had a lively, warm and happy dinner together.

After dinner, Chen Wanyou left in advance. Zuo Yi came upstairs and quickly took a hot bath, then lay on the chair of the study, and closed her eyes quietly.

This is his habit. Before returning from every battle, even if the strength is not consumed, he must always relax his mind through meditation, so that negative emotions do not affect his Divine Soul will.

Being in the light does not mean that you are always isolated from the darkness. As long as you have Seven Emotions and Six Desires, you may be infected by the darkness.

Knight, with many good camps, has fallen.

So Zuo Yi built his own barrier of will early, and also mastered the methods of resolving negative emotions.

Like this time he destroyed the Bai Family not at all and took out all his power. He was unscathed, but what he saw and heard in the White Palace's Earth Palace still inevitably touched the soul.

After only a moment, Zuo Yi's mind was clear and clear, and there was no trace of haze.

Home is indeed the best harbor for the soul.


At this moment, the little girl's head peeped in from the door of the study, a sneaky little look.

Zuo Yi stood up and asked curiously, "What's up with Baby?"

Bao'er moved around and walked with his little hand behind his back, stammering, and said, "I, I told Father one thing, father, don't you get angry?"

Zuo Yi is funny: "What is it?"


Bao'er bit his lip. "It's Xiaoying."

It turned out that after Zuo Yi left Hangzhou and went to Spring City, the little gryphon at home suddenly began to grow.

In just a few days, its body size has increased several times. A pair of wings stretched out to be more than four meters long, and its personality became more active, even a little irritable and fierce.

I didn't listen to Bao'er.

As a result, it destroyed a lot of furniture at home, and had several fights with Tyke, making the home very disturbed.

Almost scared Fang Yonghe.

Fortunately, this situation didn't last long. Since the day before yesterday, it has returned to normal and has become docile and obedient again.

The reason for the change in the Little Griffin is that Bao'er fed it too much Demon Ox jerky.

Before Zuo Yi left, he kept a lot of Demon Ox jerky at home, which was a ration for Tyke and Xiaoying.

Demon Ox jerky contains abundant Energy, which is the best ration of Magic Beast. The little lion owl likes Tyke, and Bao'er doesn't pay much attention to it because he loves it.

When Bao'er realized this, the consequences were out of control.

The little girl feels guilty about it, so come over now to admit wrong to Zuo Yi.

Because Zuo Yi had explained to her that she couldn't feed too much Demon Ox jerky to the little lion, she just made this mistake.

Mother says that it is good child who knows what is wrong.

After Zuo Yi listened, didn't know whether to cry or laugh, couldn't help but reached out and touched the little girl's face: "Where is Xiaoying now?"

Then he remembered that he had never seen a little lion owl before.

"I let it go to Baoshu …"

Bao'er said depressedly, "It grows so fast."

It's too much for the home.


Zuo Yi comforted: "Sooner or later it will grow up."

The little gryphon from Desolate World is different from Tyke, which is a Legendary-level life, and the two are on the same level.

So Tyke can chew Demon Ox jerky for meals, and the little griffon eats a little more, which is a problem.

In fact, it's already lucky that it didn't eat.

"All right."

Zuo Yi said, "It's good if nothing happens, father, forgive you, just pay attention when you feed later."


Bao'er smiled again: "Thank you father."

Zuo Yi kissed her and said, "Go play with Kiki."

The little girl who had untied her heart went back happily to find her small partner.

As soon as her front foot left, Gu Yunxi followed, and quietly closed the study door.

She gently leaned into Zuo Yi's arms, holding Zuo Yi's neck with her hands, her eyes were tender and tender, with concern and love: "Is everything alright?"

"never mind."

With a warm heart, Zuo Yi said softly, "It's over."

He simply told Gu Yunxi what happened in Spring City, but omitted the part of the Earth Palace mass grave.

That's too dark and evil.


Zuo Yi took the Ningshuang Sword from the space ring: "The sword promised to you, it's already done."

He used this sword to slay dozens of Bai Family Sabrewielders, completed the final sword sacrifice step, and locked the quality of Ningshuang sword.

And in Spring City, Zuo Yi also made sword scabbard for Ningshuang Jian.

sword scabbard uses dragon skin and keel.


Gu Yunxi jumped in surprise and took this long sword: "Thank you."

Zuo Yi frowned. "Thank you?"

Gu Yunxi gave him a charming white glance: "Thank you husband!"

Zuo Yi chuckled.

Gu Yunxi pulled his sword out of his anger.


A crisp and sweet word cry sounded suddenly, and a dim light like the limpid autumn water came into the eyes, and the dreary and cold aura diffused.

Gu Yunxi suddenly startedled.

She knew that the sword that Zuo Yi had made for herself was definitely not an ordinary commodity, but she did not expect that this sword was so out of the ordinary!

Although the shape is very simple, there is no gaudy decoration, but it feels like Gu Yunxi, like a peerless and independent beauty, arrogant, cold, sharp and invisible but sharp.

Gu Yunxi instantly fell in love.

She couldn't help asking: "Does this sword have a name?"


Zuo Yi replied affirmatively: "Frost."


Gu Yunxi read it again, more and more hesitated: "Ningshuang Sword, good name."

She asked again, "Is it expensive?"

Zuo Yi laughed at her: "No matter how expensive it is, it is not as precious as you."

Gu Yunxi's pretty face suddenly became shy and flushed.

Although she and Zuo Yi are in their first love and are very familiar with each other, they also wanted Bao'er, a five-year-old daughter, who is also a woman who is almost thirty years old, but at this moment when hearing Zuo Yi's love, it still looks like first awakening of love.

Zuo Yi shook her hand.

Zuo Yi not at all lying.

In his heart, even if Ningshuang Sword is a hundred times more expensive, it is not as good as the one he loves.

Bao'er is the same, so is Gu Yunxi.

Gu Yunxi couldn't control herself anymore, she re-entered the Ningshuang Sword and placed it on the desk next to her.

Then leaned over and hugged Zuo Yi tightly, and sent a warm kiss.

In the study, everything is spring!