Paladin Dad Chapter 653

In the cafe, the sour smell of love lingers.

The aroma of coffee has been covered.

"cough cough !"

Zuo Yi could not help but coughed twice, reminding the pair of babies in front of him: "Let's talk about the business."

Zhao Lili shyly pushed away Gao Feng, who was holding him, and twisted him by the way.

Gao Feng chuckled, scratching his head and asking, "Old Zuo, what's the matter?"

Zuo Yi took a sip of coffee and asked, "What are your plans for the future?"


Gao Feng was a little dazed, thinking about it and saying, "I want to marry Lili first, and then find a job in Hangzhou."

Zuo Yi's problem made him quite helpless.

Romantic love always has to face reality. Both Gao Feng and Zhao Lili are not the children of wealthy people. They have to work hard outside on their own. Life is not easy.

Zhao Lili has quit his job in Spring City, and the shop he opened in Spring City can no longer continue to operate.

Now the two are back in Hangzhou, and everything has to start again!

The most important thing is that both of them are not too young. If there is a child in the future, the pressure will be even greater.

Zhao Lili took his hand and said firmly, "I fight with Gao Feng."

Zuo Yi and Gu Yunxi looked at each other. Gu Yunxi asked, "Gao Feng, Lili, would you like to help me?"

Gao Feng and Zhao Lili froze for a moment, the latter was curious: "Sister Yun Xi, did you start a company?"

"Not a company."

Zuo Yi explained: "It's the Foundation of Charity."

Zuo Yi's charitable Foundation has already been approved and has obtained a legal and formal license.

But it is still in the preparatory stage and has not started real operations.

Because this charity fund is so large, Zuo Yi has no time to manage it himself, leaving it to Gu Yunxi and Master's Wife Liang Xuemei.

Since neither has experience in this area, professional management and staff are still recruiting, so the progress is very slow.

Zuo Yi hopes that Gao Feng and Zhao Lili can enter Foundation and help Gu Yunxi to complete this charity together.

The first is that both of them can play a role in Foundation, and the second is trustworthy.

Trust is very important. You must know that the amount of funds involved in Zuo Yi's philanthropic foundation can reach tens of billions. If there is no reliable person to manage and manage, the losses will be staggering.

Finally, Zuo Yi also wants to help his best friend.

Although Hangzhou is not comparable to the Shanghai Sea, the cost of living is not low, especially housing prices. In recent years, it has risen sharply, and it will have to be 4 square meters at a time.

This is a very ordinary house.

Gao Feng and Zhao Lili worked together and did not know that time that will never come to afford a house.

But joining Charity Foundation is different. With the scale of Zuo Yi's charity fund, the salaries of management personnel will not be low, and Zuo Yi will not need to take special care of them, and the two will be able to live the life they want.

Both are the best.

However, Gao Feng and Zhao Lili were stupid.

Both of them studied finance and knew very well what hundreds of billions of dollars of funds meant. After graduating from college, they entered industry-related companies to work, and they were all working at the bottom. Where did they come into contact with such top-level projects.

Funds reduced by a few hundred times are not eligible.

Zhao Lili is better. After all, she has more professional work experience than Gao Feng. Gao Feng is completely embarrassed. She said, "Old, Old Zuo, I'm afraid we can't do it. Many of them don't understand."

He was afraid he had messed up, so he was ashamed of helping and supporting Zuo Yi.

"You can learn if you don't understand."

Zuo Yi said earnestly: "Fengzi, you are my best friend. I believe you and Lili are human and moral, so let you two help Yunxi, I am very relieved. I also believe that you will not let me Disappointed."

He knows Gao Feng very well, knowing that his friend's biggest problem is that he is not confident enough and indecisive.

In contrast, Zhao Lili is much more decisive: "Old Zuo, you believe us, then we will never let you down!"

As Zuo Yi said, if you do n't understand, you can learn. If you miss such an opportunity, you will have no time to regret it!

She stepped on Gao Feng fiercely: you big fool!

Gao Feng caught off guard: "Ah!"

Zuo Yi and Gu Yunxi both laughed, the latter said softly: "Lili, Gao Feng, you do n't have to worry about salary, we are all in accordance with industry standards, and guarantee, uh, you can settle in Hangzhou in four or five years. . "

As a result, her tone barely fell, and Zuo Yi shook her head and said, "Yunxi, you're wrong, you don't need four or five years."

Gu Yunxi opened his eyes wide open, "Ah?"

In the morning, the two discussed together about Gao Feng and Zhao Lili joining the charity Foundation.

With Zuo Yi's current net worth, casual leaks on his fingers can allow his best friend to achieve financial freedom, and spend the rest of his life at ease.

But Zuo Yi knew that Gao Feng would definitely not accept his "giving alms."

Therefore, it is agreed that in terms of salary and benefits, it will be based on standards so that the other party can accept it.

As a result, Zuo Yi actually turned back.

"No no no!"

Gao Feng immediately turned red and red, and quickly waved his hand and said, "This won't work!"

After being stepped on by Zhao Lili, he already tended to join Zuo Yi's philanthropic foundation, but really couldn't accept the extra high salary that Zuo Yi gave himself.

"You listen to me first …"

Zuo Yi motioned him to don't be impatient: "Fengzi, you have the money to buy a house in Hangzhou."


Gao Feng is stunned again-how can I not know if I have money?

Zuo Yi reminded: "Did you forget your pot of orchids? I have taken them back for you."

Gao Feng couldn't believe it: "You mean, that pot of orchids is worth a house in Hangzhou?"

"If it wasn't worth the money, Zhang Longqing wouldn't force him to take it."

Zuo Yi said with a smile: "Send Buddha to the West, I will help you find a big buyer of this pot of orchids, and I will not make you lose."

"That's great!"

Gao Feng really felt that the big pie fell from the sky, and it just hit his head, and he was silly with a wide open mouth.

With a house in Hangzhou, his biggest problem with marrying Zhao Lili was gone, and he explained to his family.

Gao Feng couldn't help turning around and hugging Zhao Lili: "Wife, we have a house!"

Zhao Lili was ashamed: "Look at you!"

Did not push him away.

Zuo Yi looked at the happy couple and was really happy for them.

In fact, the pot of orchids may not be worth a house in Hangzhou, but the Bai Family had to give Gao Feng a compensation, which was converted into it. Zuo Yi added it on his own.

Of course, he would not tell Gao Feng.