Paladin Dad Chapter 665

It took a long time for Zuo Yi to screen all the information.

Although it is only a preliminary screening, most of the details are only swept away, but the results have already made Zuo Yi feel a shocking feeling.

The power of the true knowledge council is greater than he originally estimated.

Although during this time, the true knowledge council has played coward, it feels weak and helpless, and he has become Zuo Yi completely turned into a disadvantaged group, without the slightest dark power.

Alas, it's missing a bit! Like to invite everyone to collect: ( Zhai Shuyuan has the fastest update speed.

After a long-term operation, the power of the True Knowledge Council has already penetrated into different strata of many countries. Some members and believers have mixed political circles, some cultivate the business community, some are obscure, and some have a prominent reputation.

They believe in the Demon Lord of Fear, and communicate through the dark web and the intranet, and occasionally gather together to hold secret meetings or sacrifice, keeping a distance from each other.

Damn, it's one more missing! Zhai Shuyuan, the latest chapter will be updated soon!

For this, Zuo Yi knows it well. He killed several stick holders and imprisoned the souls of the stick holders for raids. The information he obtained was not good, and he never dug out the real big boss.

This harvest re-ignited Zuo Yi's hope for a quick resolution of the True Knowledge Council.

Because Zuo Yi has been worried that the True Knowledge Council and Saul's Remnant Soul are secretly planning a conspiracy. Once they succeed, they are likely to pose a huge threat to Earth.

Although he had beaten Saul to Remnant Soul, he never underestimated the Abyss monarch's ability.

I ca n't watch it again! Remember for a second, Zhai Shuyuan (

Xinglan gave him the super authority of the Intranet, which is the most timely support, and now it is equivalent to opening a big link for him.

If you still don't know the council, then Zuo Yi really deserves the name Paladin.

He just completed the information screening of a total of more than 3000 IDs, of which more than XNUMX IDs were lit.

The lit state is the active state, indicating that the ID is logging into the intranet. As long as it is locked, Zuo Yi can determine the coordinate position of the opponent, which is the latitude and longitude of the real world!

Super precise kind.

Zuo Yi tried to lock an ID called "Gluck".

There is not much information about "Gluck", but his message on Liwang and conversations with others show that this is likely to be a disciple of the True Knowledge Council and has the power to give orders.

And he is also a B-Rank Transcendent-all Transcendents who log on to the intranet cannot hide their own rank, but only the super administrator can see the ID information.

Liwang immediately returned the coordinates of "Gluck" to Zuo Yi.

Zuo Yi wrote down the coordinates and then exited the Intranet.

Consciousness returned to reality, he entered this coordinate in his mobile phone, and the location of the area where Gluck lived now appeared on the screen.

The search results indicated that the true-knowledge board member was currently in Il, Australia.

Satellite images show that the Gluck / Gluck is located in a forest hut more than XNUMX kilometers away from Il.

Il is a small, remote city in Australia, with a total population of less than XNUMX. The admirer is estimated to be living in isolation and isolation.

Unfortunately, he is obviously not the real hidden world. Otherwise, he would abandon the communication tools such as mobile phones and computers and log in to the intranet without using a login device. Then Zuo Yi could not find him.

But now Gluck is staring at Zuo Yi.

He re-entered the Intranet, but instead of diving deeper, he activated the super authority and instantly transmitted himself to the location where Gluck was.

Intranet location.

The next second, Zuo Yi appeared in a tavern in Vatican City.

Vatican City is the Flame Cross, which is the city created by the Continental Extraordinary Federation on Liwang, which is equivalent to the summer capital.

This is Zuo Yi's first visit to Vatican City.

But he had no intention to appreciate the scenery of the Continental Extraordinary City, and found his goal in a blink of an eye.

This pub has a poor business, cold and cheerless can't see a few customers, and Gluck is sitting at the corner of the pub.

Half of his body was covered by a wooden pillar, his head bowed and drinking ale in silence, dressed like a dismal mercenary.

Intranet is the world of Transcendent and the paradise of Cosplay. If you like it, you can easily dress up as an anime or a character in a movie or TV series. Therefore, you can see any demons and ghosts and superheroes on the street.

And this obviously does not like to be unconventional, whether it is appearance or dress, it seems very low-key.

However, he did not know that he was like Jackal hiding in the sheep, and was clearly seen by the hunter!

Zuo Yi walked straight up and sat down opposite Gluck.

Drunk Gluck lifted his head subconsciously. When he clearly saw Zuo Yi's face, his eyes narrowed, but his face calmly said, "Sorry, I am and the others."

Zuo Yi said with a smile: "Your acting is OK, but not good enough. The biggest question is, how could you not know me?"

Today Zuo Yi, in World, is a famous figure, and is regarded by many Transcendent as Earth's strongest alpha.

Zuo Yi's photos appeared on the Liwang Forum a long time ago. Even now, even the little white newcomers who have just entered Extraordinary World, they should have seen the photos.

Gluck pretends he doesn't know Zuo Yi at all, so leave it.

For Zuo Yi's "goodwill reminder", Gluck suddenly spoke.

He had realized that he had made a mistake, and he should have shown shock, mistake, or surprise just now.

"Zuo Yi Sir."

Gluck said with a bitter smile: "I'm just a nobody."

Despite being pierced, Gluck didn't have much fear, because this is the Vatican City and it is the World Wide Web.

Even if Zuo Yi could kill him in violation of the rules of the Vatican City, there would not be much loss for him.

"Mr. Gluck."

Zuo Yi said with a smile: "Since I can find you, it is useless to hide yourself. I have killed more than one stick holder. If you don't want to die, we can talk about it."

Slaughter can't solve all the problems. If possible, Zuo Yi wants to bury a nail inside the true knowledge council.

Gluck is a good target, the problem is that he has to cooperate.

After hearing Zuo Yi's words, Gluck's face turned white instantly, and he chose to go offline without thinking.