Paladin Dad Chapter 670

Zuo Yi did not choose the trial goal for Alizee randomly.

First, it must not be in the country, secondly, it must not be too far away, and the final goal must be the evil camp.

The enemy in front fits perfectly.

On the surface, it is a remote and poor village in Tahana, but in fact it is an armed stronghold of the Tahan Ajaya organization.

Alas, it's missing a bit! Like to invite everyone to collect: ( Zhai Shuyuan has the fastest update speed.

Ajaya is a veteran armed organization of the Takha State, with its forces spreading across the Central Section of the Takha State. Its members are known for their bravery and cruelty. They are also well-known internationally in terms of influence.

It was only in such a stronghold that there were five members of the True Knowledge Council at the same time, which surprised Zuo Yi.

Damn, it's one more missing! Zhai Shuyuan, the latest chapter will be updated soon!

Now Zuo Yi knows that the information provided by the General Intelligence Bureau is obviously not accurate enough, or that the Ajaya organization disguised the stronghold well and hid the outside surveillance.

Unfortunately, they absolutely did not expect that they were followed by Zuo Yi, who had opened the plug-in.

da da da!

When Zuo Yi and Alizee first landed, several terrorists who were supposed to be sentries fired first.

I ca n't watch it again! Remember for a second, Zhai Shuyuan (

Zuo Yi stood still, all bullets hitting him were blocked by an invisible barrier, and they fell a half meter away in front of him.

However, Alizee had no such ability, and upon hearing the warning from Zuo Yi, she immediately shifted her position.

At this moment, Alizee's mood is difficult to describe in words, because she knows that this is a real battle, not a discussion on the Liwang platform or ordinary training guidance. If she makes a mistake, she will really die!

Excitement, excitement, fear …

The adrenaline secretion speed within the body is greatly accelerated, which makes Alizee tremble slightly, but this does not prevent her from making the most correct response, avoiding the first wave of the enemy's first blow instantly.

The next moment she changed direction and moved towards the mountain village at full speed!

As a high-speed and high-speed professional, Alizee's strength can be fully realized only in a short range.

She not at all complained that Zuo Yi did not drop herself directly into the enemy's stronghold.

Because Zuo Yi positioned her as a knight-errant, not an assassin.

Assassins never face tough opponents, lurking, sneak attack, assassination, poisoning, as long as they can achieve their goals, do everything.

knight-errant must have the courage and will to face strong enemies, and constantly challenge himself in battles again and again.

Knight-errant has a higher power limit than assassins.

And today is the debut of this young tender knight-errant, and her success depends entirely on her performance.

In just two or three seconds, she rushed over a distance of 100 meters.

According to the terrorists who guarded the village, they suddenly turned pale with fright. Zuo Yi, who did not care about staying in place, immediately turned his muzzle against Alizee, who threatened them more.

da da da!

Five AK47s were added to her siege.

Hurry, hurry up!

Maybe it was excitement, maybe it was fear. When Alizee rushed towards the enemy at high speed with bullet rain, her mind became extremely concentrated, and all her worries and thoughts disappeared.

At this time, the girl instinctively used the mind control skills taught by Zuo Yi.

The next moment, Alizee felt that the speed of time had suddenly slowed down, and the surrounding world became extremely clear and intuitive compared to herself. Numerous details that were not usually noticed were all in view.

This drastic change in perception rests on ordinary people, which is absolutely unbearable. It is considered light to become an idiot on the spot, and the non-psychological Transcendent Mental Power is not enough and it must collapse.

However, Alizee practiced the breath-inspiring Meditation Method taught by Zuo Yi. Although a month of hard work and not at all allowed her to break through the C-Rank's botleneck, her ability to control her Mental Power was achieved. A whole new level.

Most importantly, she has been able to resonate with the "wind"!

This is why Zuo Yi gave her the first trial.

Feeling the breath of the ubiquitous wind around him, Alize's sprinting pace became erratic, avoiding dozens of blasted bullets dangerously and dangerously.

Suddenly she stretched her arms and pulled out the double daggers hanging around her waist, waving forward lightningly.

Ding! Ding!

With the sound of metal collision, two oncoming rifle bullets were chopped off by Alizee!

A month ago, she was able to dodge the bullets, but she couldn't cut the bullets with a dagger. The progress was huge.

At the same time, Alizee's sprint speed has increased and the distance from the nearest enemy has been shortened to within two hundred meters!


According to several horrifying terrorists who attacked Alizee in Shoushan Village, everyone expressed a frightened expression.

After two rounds of crazy shooting, they had emptied the magazine, but the opponent was unscathed. Seeing that they were about to rush over, they all realized that the major event was not good.

They scrambled to change magazines while retreating to the rear.

At this moment, more terrorists came out of the adobe house in the mountain village, some waving assault rifles, and some carrying RPGs, yelling loudly.

It looks like a horse honeycomb that has just been pierced!

If these terrorists are organized, then the threat to Alizee is very large. You must know that they are not non-Sen's black Shusongs. They have rich combat experience and will not be worse.

However, today is not destined for their lucky day.

Although Alizee participated in the actual battle for the first time, and faced with far more terrorists than herself, she was taught and taught by the Fool and Zuo Yi. Her innate talent was extremely high, so although it was still very young, it broke out The performance is not bad.

call out! call out!

The two daggers in his hand were thrown out by Alizee at the same time.

At this time, she was only several dozen meters away from the enemy!

The two receding terrorists had just put on a new magazine, and before firing, they felt a flash of silver light in front of them, and a sudden pain in the throat.

The two seemed to have their spine removed, and collapsed to the ground with no energy, and lost their lives instantly.

Alizee's dagger was pierced around their necks, and Yin Hong's blood burst out, staining the sand beneath him.
