Paladin Dad Chapter 689


Abyss World, an unknown place.

Under the hazy sky, the Black Great Swamp extends towards the end of the sky, and a huge volcano is spouting flames and smoke endlessly, so that the air is filled with a thick sulfur scent.

A grunt got out of the crypt, and it looked cautiously around, and determined that there was no danger around it, sneaking stealthly between several decaying trees.

With the sharp nails, the rotten bark was unscrewed, and the Golem was fortunate enough to dig out a plump white tender maggot, and it hooked out the insect and couldn't wait to put it in its mouth, chewing the juice.

The bursting deliciousness makes Guru a smile of satisfaction.

At this time, a dark red tongue blasted out like lightning, instantly pierced through the body of Guru, and rolled it up and dragged it over.

Behind the trees, there are two green lizards lurking!

Guru Devil was torn into two pieces and became the food in the green lizard's mouth.

But I have n't waited for the green lizard to eat the clean corpse of the Guru, and they found in horror that there were not dozens of sharp claw monsters around!

The sharp claw monsters are small in size and less than half the height of the green lizard, but they have a pair of sharp front claws that can easily tear the thick armor and make the prey in extreme pain. Died in the blood.

One-on-one heads-up, the green lizards have completely abused the sharp claw demon, and one-on-two or even three have a high chance of winning. However, the sharp claw devil has always been acting in groups. They are best at using the wolf pack To deal with prey stronger than yourself.

Two green lizards have become their targets for hunting on the second floor!

The green lizard is both shocked and angry. There is a flash of fear in the miserable green eyes. They lean back to back tightly together, and the sharp claw monster that moves towards the surrounding area issues a warning roar.

But this exposed their guilty conscience, the sharp claw demons were excited, ready to attack.

Suddenly, a sharp tweet came from the air, and a shadow covered all the green lizards and sharp claws.

The green lizard and sharp claw demon stunned in the mud, they buried their heads in the dirty muddy water, shivering involuntarily, like fish on a cutting board.

What brought the green lizard and sharp claw to the infinite fear was a unicorn winged demon, which passed over the green lizard and sharp claw, as if the king was looking down at his people, dark red His eyes were full of bloodthirsty brutality.

The unicorn winged down suddenly, and opened his bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl. He bit a sharp claw and swallowed it directly into his stomach.

The other sharp claw monsters shivered even more, even if the unicorn wings devoured their second and third companions.

Such a scenario is too common in the weak are prey to the strong Abyss World. For a high-level demon, a low-level demon is a slave, cannon fodder, and food.

The unicorn wing demon is three steps higher than the sharp claw demon, no matter how much the latter is, you can't resist. You can only wait for the unicorn wing demon to eat and leave.

As for the two green lizards, they can't wait to get into the mud, praying that the deities will not let the unicorn wings demon find themselves.

As a result, the Abyss demon apparently did not care for the green lizard, and the unicorn winged demon who swallowed three sharp claws seemed tired, and Sen Leng's eyes fell on the green lizard.

The green lizard being stared at directly scares the urine!

As they thought they were hard to avoid calamity, the unicorn wings suddenly turned their heads.

Its expression is extremely surprised.

I saw the lighting of a blue purple appearing out of nowhere, several hundred meters away, and quickly expanded a hundredfold in just a few seconds, all of them moved towards all directions.

All Demon are stunned.

Through this group of lightning, they see another World connected to a long channel.

Unlike the extremely harsh environment of Abyss, the opposite World is full of vitality and vitality, which instantly provokes the instinct greed and desire in Bloodline of Demon.

They immediately understood what was happening and involuntarily roared and roared!

Demon, with a radius of several hundred miles, felt the existence of this space channel almost at the same time.

For the Demon, this is a gift from Abyss Fiendgod.

They have burrowed out of their nests and swarmed instinctively, driven towards the location of the moved towards space channel, including millions of demons living in several magic cities.

Brain Eater, Troll Monster, Green Armor, Quark, Barlow Flame, Six-armed Snake …

Many demons are natural enemies of incompatible as fire and water, but at this time they forget the hatred and scramble to rush to the space channel, just like the hunger flies smelling the fishy smell, they are crazy.

Due to too many and overcrowding, many low-level and weak Demon are trampled to death in the mud, but this does not prevent other Demon from acting.

Regardless of the level of wisdom, at this moment Demon's mind has only a single thought head, that is, to rush past, kill the past, and occupy the new world!

When thousands of Demon crowded into the space channel, a dazzling sword glow came to our heads.

The light dissipates darkness, sacredly destroys evil, and the unguarded Demon forward has no time to scream, and is torn into pieces by the sword glow, which contains powerful power, and even vaporizes and annihilates directly!

This sword runs through the entire space passage, killing more than four-digit Abyss Demon.

However, this not at all deterred other Demon, more Demon flooded into the channel, howling to start the charge.

I rushed to Zuo Yi, who was behind the Abyss Portal at the other end of the aisle!

Looking at the seemingly endless Demon ahead, Zuo Yi once again raised the bright sacred sword in his hand.

There is no fear in his eyes, some just resolutely and resolutely.


At the Hangzhou Linjiang Old Residence outside ten thousand li, Bao'er, who was asleep, suddenly woke up from his sleep.

"What's wrong with Baby?"

Gu Yunxi, who was with her, woke up, hugged the little girl and asked, "Have a nightmare?"


Bao'er shook the head vigorously and said, "Father, father is in danger!"

Gu Yunxi's heart suddenly hesitated and said, "It's okay, baby, don't be afraid."

"I'm going to help father!"

Bao'er stubbornly got up from the bed.

Gu Yunxi said: "Baby …"

As a result, Bao'er jumped out of the bed directly, leaned over and picked up Tyke: "A'Ty, let's help father fight scoundrel!"


Tyke barked.

"mother, I'll go with A'Ty!"

After waiting for Gu Yunxi to reply, Bao'er ran out of the bedroom with Tyke "", and quickly ran to the Transmission Formation in the small hall on the second floor.

I saw a rays of light passing by, and she and Tyke disappeared without apparent without a trace!