Paladin Dad Chapter 693



A bite of flying sputum swept over a distance of more than 20 meters in an instant, and went straight to the bridge of Nostril General Aster.

But half a meter away from Aster, the sputum collided with the black flames lingering around the Enchanted Demon, and it suddenly exploded to turn into a little golden droplet.

One or two droplets sprayed Aster's face, and it evaporated instantly.

Astor couldn't help but stunned and immediately became furious!

Although it is not the most powerful existence of the Abyss plane, but the princes of the dominating party are the masters who waved hundreds of millions of Demon Race to their deeds. When have they been so humiliated?

"I want to extract your soul and put it into the fire of purgatory for a thousand years!"

This higher-level slayer sent out a thunderbolt-like growl, and the boiling anger was going to burn through the space channel!

Zuo Yi said with a smile: "I don't want your soul, I just want the materials on you."

Demon is one of the largest multiverse races. Demon is the most aggressive. For billions of years, I do n't know how many Plane Worlds have been invaded by Abyss.

Some powerful Plane Worlds can compete with Abyss, others are completely reduced to Demon's paradise. Most races hate Demon, but many people use Demon as a source of material.

For example, the Towers Wizards have never stopped capturing, dissection, and researching Demon, and use materials from Demon to build equipment.

Astor wants Zuo Yi's soul, Zuo Yi wants its material, this is an eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth.


Astell yelled and flaunted the black flame in his hand!

It has been thoroughly enraged.

This is exactly the effect that Zuo Yi wants to achieve, because the stronger the force that Astell excites, the greater the impact on the space channel and the faster the collapse.

Of course, facing Zuo Yi, Astor's fierce anger, he is also facing the biggest challenge in life!


Zuo Yi blocked the black flaming whip from the slam with the Lightning Shield, and the scorpion tail-like spur hit the shield surface fiercely, and the black, white, and golden flowing fire splattered. Shoot.

Zuo Yi was shocked and took a step back.

Astor's strength is so terrible that such a head-on confrontation is obviously a loser.

Zuo Yi wasn't surprised. He regained his grip on the shield and sword, and fully excited the potential of Knight's Heart.


The Eight Virtues Faith Mark that surrounds Knight's Heart vibrates, and continuously injects Power of Faith into Knight's Heart.

After raising troops for thousands of days, Zuo Yi usually accumulated the Power of Faith bit by bit, and at this time provided him with the strongest assistance!

Steel Muscles Iron Bones! Power of the Giant! Blessing of the Wind! Bright protect! The flame burns the soul! Divine Source! …

In the blink of an eye, Zuo Yi blessed himself with seven gain states. His strength, physique, and reaction speed increased greatly, reaching the most Peak state.

The skeleton of the whole body made a crisp crackle, muscles stretched the armor to expand, and the bright sacred sword, the light shield and the light armor reflected infinite glow, illuminating the entire space channel.

The dark breath quickly melted away, and Astor, shone by the holy light, had to close his eyes and howl again and again in anger.

What it hates the most is the rays of light that contain the Holy God Force!

Taking this opportunity, Zuo Yi abruptly swept forward a distance of more than ten meters, then leaped tall, and slashed his sword to Astell's head!


The bright sacred sword was blocked by the Great Sword of Yanma, and suddenly thousands of fires collided, as if the fireworks were blooming during the holiday.

Light and darkness, sacred and evil, two very different forces are desperately fighting!

Aster's Great Sword uses Abyss's lowest level black iron and is cast in a furnace of hell. The grade is higher than the bright sacred sword, but it is restrained by the latter in terms of attributes. Fight well.

Zuo Yi missed a blow, and fell down, and the bright shield held by his left hand struck Aster's lower body.


With a muffled thunder, and with the strength of the giant's power to increase, Zuo Yi forcibly took this Yan Demon General back and back, and the indescribable parts appeared white smoke, as if burnt.

This is the damage that Bright Holy Force added to Abyss Demon!

Zuo Yi has been slamming Sadya World's Abyss several times. He knows the characteristics of Demon very well. Although he has not fought with the General of the Enemy before, the bloodline commonality of Abyss creatures will not change.

"Damn reptile!"

Aster was irritated by the suffocating loss. The black fire on his head rushed to the top of the space channel. He regained his shape and waved the black flame whip towards Zuo Yi again.

At the moment it whip, the first half of the long whip burning Hell Raging Flames suddenly disappears without disappear without a trace.

At the next moment, the black whips appeared around Zuo Yi, and instantly entangled him tightly, like a python that caught his prey!

Death twines!

The Hell Raging Flames attached to the long whip ablated Zuo Yi's body protection holy light, and at the same time restrained Zuo Yi's actions. Suddenly Zuo Yi was in danger.

Aster is not an ordinary Demon. It is the powerhouse of the Abyss plane next to Abyss Demon God. The power rank is slightly higher than Zuo Yi. Once he seizes the opportunity, he cannot allow Zuo Yi to break free.


Astor wields a big sword fiercely and slashes towards Zuo Yi, and the black light on the sword body is released.

However, what the general Yanmao didn't expect was that when its big sword was swung down, it looked like Zuo Yi would be hit hard. Zuo Yi, like a bubble pierced by a needle, disappeared!

Astonton stunned.

With his wisdom, he can't think of how Zuo Yi can get rid of his entanglement of lore.

At this time, a strong sense of crisis came from behind, and it was too late to dodge, and it could only tighten the muscles of the back immediately to raise the defense strength to the highest level.

pu chi!

A holy light, a sword that is long and piercing, penetrates into the back of General Yanmu silently and quickly, although the latter's body has super defensive ability, it cannot be stopped.

Halfway into the sword, the fiery blood splattered from the wound, and Aster turned back and waved his sword.


Zuo Yi blocked the Fire Lord's counterattack with the Lightning Shield, only taking a half step back and pulling out the bright sacred sword.

Just now he used the power of the Sukhara Band to complete a short-range instantaneous transfer, hitting Aster a completely unprepared, unfortunately, he could not cause fatal damage to the other party.

But Astell is going crazy.

In addition to the humiliation and anger hurt by Zuo Yi, the wound on its back was severely corroded, and an incomparable light force poured into its within the body, destroying its body with impunity. .