Paladin Dad Chapter 697


Abyss Demon is one of the most powerful races in the Big Multiverse.

They have a high sequence of Bloodline. The older the Bloodline ability is, the stronger the Bloodline ability can be traced back to the beginning of the birth of the universe, and it holds the source of darkness and chaos.

As a high-level slayer, Astor's strength is unquestionable. Under normal circumstances, don't say that one arm was cut off. Even if his head is lost, he will soon be able to grow a second one again. fighting.

However, the amount of Holy Force attached to the wound has suppressed its resurrection ability and put it into a desperate situation.

The wounded ominous beast is terrifying, and the high level demon in desperate situation is terrible!

Howl ~

Taking a few big steps back, widening the distance between him and Zuo Yi, Aster opened his mouth and snarled again at Zuo Yi.

At the same time, a thick black mist sprayed out!

The black mist is a thumb-sized black beetle, densely packed.

These black beetles fluttered their wings, stared at a pair of scarlet eyes, flickered and shone cold teeth, and issued a buzzing sound of have one's hair stand on end, hiding the sky and covering the earth Throw at Zuo Yi!

Zuo Yi couldn't help but stare.

Although he has completely gained the upper hand, his vigilance has risen to the highest level.

Because High Level Demon's ability is very powerful, and it has a lot of weird means, it is slightly negligent in the battle with them, and as a result, it may put itself in a state of no danger.

He once had battled countless Demons in the Abyss of Sadya World, and he had learned lessons about blood.

So Zuo Yi has been preparing for Astor's perish together!

Although the black beetles it spewed out seemed small, like the helplessness of the Guizhou donkey, Zuo Yi could clearly feel the horror of these black beetles.

Each black beetle condenses an extremely pure source of darkness, as if it is the embodiment of the source of darkness, so they are completely free from the light Sacred Domain, baring fangs and brandishing claws of Zuo Yi.

If there are only a few hundred or thousands of the same black beetle, there is not much threat to Zuo Yi, but Aster opened his mouth and sprayed more than hundreds of thousands. In the blink of an eye, it covered a large space and formed The storm of black is pouring on him!

The pressure facing Zuo Yi has suddenly increased more than ten times!

But until the war, he no longer wanted to retreat, he did not want to retreat, nor could he retreat, and he waved the bright sacred sword.

At the next moment, the sword body that has been emitting the sacred glow suddenly turned into a red color, and the word energy spurted into flames, like the Fire Dragon just out of the seal, whistling towards the dark insect wave!

At the same time, Zuo Yi inspired the bright Holy Force and the flame Battle Qi to the extreme. At all costs, they were injected into the sacred sword. The sword energy flame evoked at the same time contained two forces that were fully integrated together.

hu !!

Where the sacred sword was, Fire Dragon roared, and the black beetles that ran into the face burst out, and then disappeared under the purging of the power of light and flame, and the source of darkness was completely purified.

This sword can be called the supreme blow from Zuo Yi after entering Sacred Rank!

Fire Dragon swept through the air, breaking through the dark insect tide with the prevailing trend, and smashed Aster's counterattack.

Boom in front of it!

At this moment, the bright sacred sword pierced through the flames and pierced Astor's chest with lightning!

Time seems to freeze at this moment.

Astor closed his mouth.

It lowered its proud head, as if the magic eye that would never go out became dim, staring at the bright sacred sword piercing its own heart, with an incredible expression in its eyes.

The black beetles that were not destroyed around them are dying silently.

At the same time, there is also the powerful demon body of Astell.

Zuo Yi's sword not only penetrated its heart, but also injected a huge amount of God Holy Force into its within the body, bringing it a real blow.

For the first time, the general Yan Demon smelled the smell of death.

In the Abyss plane, the older the Bloodline is, the longer the Demon lifespan is. High Level Demon like Astell can easily live for tens of thousands of years or even longer.

However, now that its life has not passed 10%, it has been terminated!


shock, mistake, despair, pain, regret, resentment …

The inexpressible infinite negative emotion turned into a roar roar, and Astor dropped the long sword held in his hand and grabbed the bright sacred sword inserted in his chest.

Its right hand rubbed fiercely with the sacred sword, and it was ablated to produce white smoke.

This powerful existence of Abyss is staring at Zuo Yi, who is close at hand, as if to imprint his appearance in Divine Soul.

"Let's die together!"

When Astell made the final roar, the demon body that was about to collapse suddenly burst open!

The power of darkness envelopes Zuo Yi in an instant!

Zuo Yi's breathing is stagnant, his perception becomes extremely dull, and the surroundings become a dark and chaotic world, full of endless evil and chaos, making him fall like Abyss.

This feeling can't be described in words. Time seems to have ceased to exist. I don't know how long it has passed. It seems like I can never get rid of it.

In Zuo Yi's ear, a Demon's voice murmured, let him give up and let him sink!

Dark assimilation!

This is Aster's final killing strategy at the cost of burning the demon soul and the source of darkness. It will destroy Zuo Yi's will, drag Zuo Yi's soul into Abyss, and break into a state of no end .

Once Zuo Yi's Divine Soul fails, it will be able to occupy the nest and regenerate with the help of Zuo Yi's body.

It is even possible that Aster will be promoted to become the Lord of the Fire Demon!

How powerful is the most powerful Power of darkness inspired by the ancient Bloodline. As Aster 's final counterattack, Zuo Yi 's Iron Will suffered an unprecedented shock, and for the first time showed signs of rupture and collapse.

Zuo Yi's body is shaky, the bright sacred sword in his hand is dim, and he is about to hold, his eyes become dull, and he is losing control of his body.

At this time, as long as you come to Demon casually, you can easily kill him!

Although there is no other Demon in the space channel at this moment, this situation obviously will not last long. As long as the space channel has not crashed, there will be other demon coming in.

No Demon can resist the temptation of a new world.

So even though Zuo Yi destroyed Astor's demon body, he also brought himself into an extremely dangerous situation!

Demon's murmur made his consciousness extremely heavy and tired, and his eyelids slowly closed.


And just before Divine Soul of Zuo Yi was about to fall, Bao'er's voice suddenly sounded in his heart.


This extremely familiar and intimate voice made Zuo Yi sober up.

He opened his eyes and was about to close!
