Paladin Dad Chapter 702


How is the space ring made?

The answer is very simple. There are two steps-the first step is to pour the empty silver from the bottle, and the second step is to make a space ring.

Is it simple?

Zuo Yi: "…"

For Bao'er's answer, he was completely speechless.

The little girl came back and ran to his study room to put things. When she saw the crystal bottle with empty silver on the shelf, she suddenly came up with the idea of ​​making a space ring, so she made it herself.

The Wizards of Sadya World have been ashamed to hear that only a very small number of Space Wizards can make a successful space ring. At the five-year-old Bao'er, it was as easy and simple as pinching mud!

However, the fact is that Bao'er cannot lie to Zuo Yi, and this space ring is also the Law of Creation of Geneva.

Zuo Yi can feel that its spatial fluctuations are in line with the rules of the Earth plane. Although the internal space is not stable enough, there is no problem in daily use.


Seeing Zuo Yi's expression at this moment, Bao'er was a little worried, and her little hand was anxious and said, "I'm sorry, I didn't ask for your consent, just, um …"

"It's all right!"

Zuo Yi woke up and drew her into her arms with a smile: "That was originally prepared for you, you can play as much as you want, father just didn't expect Bao'er so much better than father Great! "

In the days when he returned to Earth, Zuo Yi got two empty silvers backwards.

This kind of material is also extremely precious in the Big Multiverse.

The first time he got the empty silver he used to expand his space ring, and the second time he got not at all.

Empty silver is the only material for refining space ring. If this metal is to be preserved, it cannot be put into the finished space ring because the phenomenon of space fusion will occur.

Zuo Yi stores the second empty empty silver in an amethyst bottle and puts it in his study.

Zuo Yi once told Bao'er that this bottle of empty silver will be used as a space ring for her in the future.

Because when the little witch Bao'er grows up, she will definitely be able to have such a capability. At that time, she will not only have a dedicated space ring, but also make another one for mother.

Little girl is clearly in my heart.

Zuo Yi absolutely didn't expect this day to come so fast.

In other words, Bao'er's growth rate far exceeds his expectations!

This is definitely an organic coincidence. Zuo Yi guesses that Earth's World Consciousness has played an important role in it, accelerating Bao'er's growth.

Although Zuo Yi prefers to see Bao'er grow slowly and happily under his care, he will not cause too much anxiety, just remind himself to pay more attention to the status of little girl in the future .

Bao'er blinked and asked, "Don't you really blame me?"

She was a little worried, worried that she was in trouble.

"Of course."

Zuo Yi could not help but kiss her on the cheek: "Go and see Xiaoying."

He returned Bao'er's self-made space ring to the original owner: "I have put the beef jerky that Xiaoying loves."

The space ring made by the little girl has a small capacity, but it is more than enough to put a few hundred pounds of Demon Ox jerky enough to eat it for a while.

"Long live father!"

Bao'er cheered with joy, and kissed him back: "Love you!"

Zuo Yi was immediately knocked down by her sugar-coated cannonball.

Watching the little girl took Tyke to Taobao Forest, and his heart was as sweet as three pounds of honey.

As a result, Gu Yunxi was not noticed beside him.

"Did you and Bao'er keep any secrets from me?"

Gu Yunxi sat down next to Zuo Yi, and she leaned her head lightly on Zuo Yi's shoulder, looking like she had just eaten three pounds of Old Chen vinegar: "Excessive!"


Zuo Yi laughed abruptly: "I'll tell you later."


Gu Yunxi glanced at him, then proudly showed a silver ring: "Look at this, Bao'er gave it to me."


Zuo Yi was surprised: "She also made one for you."


Gu Yunxi said happily: "I don't even know Bao'er has such ability, this thing is really easy to use!"

Like the young child, she showed off to Zuo Yi elated, taking out the things inside and putting them back.

Gu Yunxi was very envious of Zuo Yi's ability to take things out of thin air, but now he has them, and he is having fun.

"Play slowly."

Zuo Yi was able to appreciate her mood. When she first got the space ring, it was almost the same: "Don't play too much, it will hurt your spirit."

Space ring can be activated with Battle Qi, magic power or spirit strength. Gu Yunxi can be used normally, but not too often.

Gu Yunxi quickly put away the ring: "Are you going out?"


Zuo Yi nodded: "I made an appointment with Yulin and went to see the new dojo. Would you like to be together?"


Gu Yunxi said with a smile: "Let 's go."

Although she first met Shang Yulin, she knew Shang Yulin's intuition about Zuo Yi Interesting—a woman.

Zuo Yi apparently just treats Shang Yulin as a friend or younger sister, more like a relative.

She is a smart woman, and of course she won't be jealous because of the relationship between the two.

Zuo Yi shook his head and left Linjiang Old Residence.

It is the end of autumn, and it has taken more than a year to break ground until the construction of the new Tianhong dojo is completed.

This speed is already very fast.

It is important to know that the new Martial Arts Hall is large in scale and is first-class in the country. With ancillary supporting buildings, it would not be possible without the massive capital investment and the full support of the Jiang Yan Yan Family Fast completion of quality assurance.

Of course, the completion of construction does not mean that it can be put into use immediately, and the interior decoration also takes several months.

But the magnificent building in front of you is enough to please Zuo Yi and Shang Yulin who have just arrived.

Shang Yulin looked at the five large gold letters "Tianhong Martial Arts Hall" hanging above the facade of the new Martial Arts Hall, and her eyes couldn't help overflowing with tears of excitement. See for yourself how good it should be.

Carrying Tianhong Martial Arts Hall forward, but his lifelong dream!

Shang Yulin pressed his writhing mind, turned around and bowed deeply to Zuo Yi: "Zuo Yi, I thank you for father!"

She knows that Zuo Yi built this new Martial Arts Hall in order to fulfill Shang He's dream.

I believe that Shang He can look down under Jiuquan!

Zuo Yi frankly received a solemn gift from Shang Yulin.

At this moment, his Faith Mark shakes violently, and Power of Faith continuously surges out.

He fulfilled his original vows and promises, and received more than expected feedback!

This is the end and a new beginning.