Chapter 10

With Nina and Hawaii leaving town, things had gone quiet for a moment but not to the council. Mark called out the meeting as he promised and all the private members attended and it was at dark. There was him, the Sheriff, Lucy who was Cullen's mother, Andrew and Mona.

The meeting took place at an abandoned house which was out of the city. For sometime they didn't feel the need to visit the house because it was safe, but since the vampires started roaming in town. They knew they had to do something to stop them and maintain peace. It was dark and gothic inside with no electric power hence they used torches to see one another.

These were the only ones who knew the history of the town and its inhabitants of vampires and other supernatural creatures. And they were ready to protect the town.

"As instructed, the attack at Warlington Bar was not a mere accident. They have returned" said Sheriff and then he continued "I intend to protect my family and my town from them. Centuries a go they were driven out of town, but they've come back"

His assistant, Andrew passed on packages to each member as the Sheriff continued giving out his speech.

"Inside those packages is vervain. We are all aware of how powerful it can be to resist compulsion from vampires. But also, I have ordered dozens of injections which contains vervain and also have a stock pile of stakes" He said and opened up a cupboard which was full of dusk, he sneezed for a bit but then he stopped and took out a bag.

The bag had stakes made up of wood to kill vampires. They knew better that steel just wounds but not kill a vampire, they heal faster than any supernatural being.

"What are we to do with these stakes Sheriff?" asked Lucy.

"Kill them! Your son, pardon me Lucy but I think he was killed by vampires"

Mark intervened "Come on Sheriff this isn't a good time to start projecting things"

"I am not projecting detective Mark, I am speaking facts"

There seemed to be bad blood between Mark and the Sheriff, both want the same thing but each had its own way. The Sheriff believed in immediate effect against the vampires but Mark wanted to take his time into it, to properly investigate the situation. Knowing what's going on and how to handle it.

But suddenly, the door of that house was banged and entered Gladys alongside her coven. They were not invited but knew exactly what was going on.

"Who are you people? This is a secret meeting!" Said the Sheriff panicking at the entrance of the witches.

The others were unrest too as it wasn't planned and they didn't expect anyone who wasn't member of the council to attend their secret meeting. But the witches carried themselves high, barging inside as if they belong to the place.

"Relax Sheriff, we are just here to help"

"Help?" Lucy asked.

Gladys looked at her and smiled "My condolences for your loss" she said then took a place at the front of that meeting while her coven waited at the back.

"You want to know a vampire who slaughtered those innocent souls at that bar. Well I may have a name and a picture"

"Who's it?" Asked the Sheriff and Gladys took a photo of Nina from her pocket and placed it on top of the table.

"I know her! She's friends with Alice, they...go to school together" Mark said

"You see detective, we live with them inside our own very town. We invite them into our homes and they are planning to kill us"

The sheriff as Gladys predicted he was over the roof with anger. He hates vampires more than anything in the world, and because Antonio hesitated to kill her then perhaps the council will do the job.

"I can lure them into a trap. Lock them inside and burn them" Said Gladys.

"How?" Mark asked.

"Because I'm a witch. And witches unlike vampires we are the Mother Nature. We bring stability and vampires are nothing but an abomination of nature"

"What's in it there for you?" The Sheriff knew better than to think the witches were going to do it for free.

"We want access to the tombs of our ancestors. The place had been locked for far too long, we need it"

Mark almost intervened but the Sheriff stopped him by giving him a signal. It was a crucial moment and as a head of town he had to make sacrifices. And one of the sacrifices was giving away the cemetery which was believed to posses magic hence the government locked it down, fifty years ago.

"You can have access to it but only if you lure them all inside. Including her"

"She's out of town for now, but she'll come back. They always come back..."

They ended the meeting with the assurance that Gladys has the power to lure all the vampires and place them in a house where they will all burn. Alice was at home, she was lonely and confused by everything.

Warlington hadn't turned out to be safe and as exciting as she thought it would. Hawaii was nowhere to be seen, after a long time of searching and looking she felt like home to him. He was everything or at least she thought he was but at one instant of trouble, he took off without caring how she would feel.

Tears rolled down her cheeks and she silently wiped them. Her window was open hoping perhaps he might call as he always does and tell her to look down.

Suddenly there was a heavy smoke inside her room and when the smoke cleared. She saw Antonio leaning on the window, she wanted to run to the door and scream for help but he warned against it "If I were you, I wouldn't do it mi amore..." he said and Alice stayed out on the bed looking at him.

"Oh, teardrops? Did a particular cute guy break your heart?"

"What do you want?"

"To talk. I came to talk" Antonio answered and moved closer to the bed, then he sat close to Alice.

He was taken by how much she looked like the princess of Athens. He had came upon some tales of Lunara and Nazar story and it was a bit fascinating to him but he never thought that Lunara descendant idea was going to be real. To perfectly clone a long lived princess.

"You look just like her" He said.


"You know your story?"

"Yes I was being informed"

"About the folklore of purifying vampires, stupid myth don't you think?"

"You can't blame them for having hope"

"There was none to begin with. The idea was a myth for leading vampires to awake him, the big bad wolf Nazar"

"He was a wolf?"

"Didn't you hear dear? He was casted to be both a vampire and a werewolf. He craved the power he had so much" He said and then stood up, walked slowly to the window and looked outside.

"If only he had hold on to much longer, he would have had everything" He said looking outside.

"You knew him?" Alice asked.

"He was my brother"

Alice's jaw dropped, not in million chances did she expect Antonio to be related to Nazar. Nina failed to mention that.

"Wait, brother?"

"Yes! My big brother"

"So if you are related to Nazar. That means you are..."

"Very old"

"Gosh!" She exclaimed and he walked back to the bed and sat close to her.

"I have been around for a really long time. Your friends may sometimes feel like they are clever than me, but they are not. I had millions of chances to kill her but I never did"


"Yes. And I know exactly where they are going now. There's only one place that he would went looking..."



"Who's Julian?"

"He's been know by many names throughout the time"

"Hawaii?" She asked and he nodded "Where are they going?"

"To a witch!" He abruptly got up "In Chicago, a witch who they may not know but she works on my favor!"

He chuckled softly and vanished. Mark was home and he came knocking on Alice's door. "Honey, are you asleep?"

"Yes Dad. Goodnight"

"Okay goodnight. Don't go out it's not safe yet"


Mark turned around and walked away. Alice snatched her phone from the table and tried calling Hawaii. It went straight to voicemail, then Nina but they were all unavailable.

She called Amiya;

"What is it?" Asked Amiya.

"They are in trouble"


"Nina and Hawaii, the witch they are going to meet works for Antonio"

Amiya who had just gotten home and she was at the porch, dropped the bags she was carrying "Antonio? You talked to him?"

"He was at my house. He even told me he and Nazar are brothers!"

"Wait, I'll come over"


Amiya opened the door and got inside, but she heard a bang on the door as soon as she was inside. "Who is it?" She asked.

"It's only me Amiya"

"Who are you?"

She opened the door and Noah was at her doorstep shaking. He seemed very afraid as if he had just done something bad.

"I don't know you"

"I know but I need to see your friend, Nina"

"She's not here!"

"Where's she? I need to see her..." He said and tried to barge in but he kept bouncing. He tried again and still couldn't get inside.

"What's going on?" He said.

"Are you a vampire?" Amiya asked nervously.

"No! No! But...I think I may have just killed one"