Chapter 17

Secrets kept especially for one's own good may not feel selfish or wrong at first. But can ruin one life and change the course and meaning of it totally. Gladys kept a secret to Amiya, the truth about her identity which was all lies for over a decade and a half. She had questions and needed explanations but Gladys was nowhere to be seen. She had skipped town taking the coven of witches with her and planning not to look back.

She begged Amiya to go with her "I can teach you how to be a witch. How to control your powers, your history but only if you come with us" and Amiya's answer was a no. She didn't have any reason in particular to decline the invitation but she felt she had to.

The next days, she spent them in the company of her friends who cheered her up. Well neither of them, were in a better state. A lot had happened in a span of short time, first the sacrifice and then anxiously waiting for the vampires to be released from hell by Lunara.

But that didn't prevent them from having a bit of fun and they indulged in it perfectly. Nina threw parties in her house almost every weekend, and all of Warlington high came crushing down till dusk. And the morning after they would do it over and over again till they forgot all that life threw to them.

Regina moved in permanently to town, she had her own room at Nina's house something which was very uncomfortable to Alice after she found out she was Hawaii's ex. "I trust you. But I just don't trust her" she said to Hawaii. And it took everything and everyone including Regina herself to assure her that nothing was going on and she had nothing to worry.

"We are done. We've been done for a while baby" Hawaii explained it to her while he leaned in her locker as she acted busy finding something inside before she locked it and walked away. He followed her;


"I don't trust her. You should see how she looks at you, like she's in love with you"

Hawaii smiled softly "And I love you" he said and brought her to a pause. Even though they were on a corridor with students moving around, it felt like they were all alone.

He pressed her against a wall and kissed her. She shut her eyes close and kissed him back, pulling his body against hers and embracing him fully. She was in love, very deep in love with him and nothing seemed to matter at any particular moment except him. He stopped and she stared at him and how animated he looked.

"Stay with me..." she pleaded.

"I wish love.'s only weeks. It'll fly by"

"No, it'll drag on horribly. And I'll miss you..."

"So I'll you" He said and pulled her closer for a deep kiss again. Nina and Regina had just come out of class, they walked pass the corridor.

"Is that..." Regina said but she stopped and Nina finished her sentence "Our couple?"

"Yes, Warlington high best couple"

"One can only imagine. I mean..." Nina dragged herself to them and interrupted their kiss "Get a room please..."


"Don't you have a trip to plan? Off you go..." She said and pushed him, he went on for last kiss and walked away.

Nina smiled at Alice and took her hand, she and Regina walked outside. Amiya was right at the field waiting for them, she was sitting quietly but her eyes focused on a man running on the field. He was white, long black hair and magnificent thews as he was running shirtless. She was taken by him entirely and as he turned back every time, he noticed something was going on.

Her friends noticed it too, and they looked at each other. "Perhaps we should come back some other time, she seem rather occupied " Alice said.

"No, no we are going in" said Nina. Then she called out "Miya..." and Amiya turned back shook and taken by her friends' surprise.

She gathered her things and stood up. "Hey guys, I didn't see you"

"Well how could you? You were taken by him..." Regina made a joke pointing at the guy running.

"Well he's hot you better shoot your shot fast" Alice added.

"No I'm not going to. He's not my type"


Regina asked "What is your type Miya?"

"Guys, enough with this. We have work to do, did you bring the tombstone?" Amiya changed the topic so as her friends can focus on other stuffs.

"Its inside my bag" Nina answered.

"Alright. Let's do this!"

Amiya led the way forward and her friends followed her. But she couldn't resist turning around and have a look, the guy returned the favor and winked at her.

His name was Simon and new in town, as he had just moved in. He was a werewolf and he was sent by Cullen's girlfriend to spy on the group so as to know the truth of it all. The truth of Cullen's death which seemed very unusual.

He looked at Amiya and her friends until they disappeared from view and he quickly packed his bag and followed them to the tunnel of the school. It was dark and quiet, he kept his motions minimal and silent.

"Okay, here it is" said Nina "The spot"

"It's too dark" added Regina and used her magic to light up the place with fire. "Voila"

"Let's get on with it" Amiya placed down her bag and drew a circle using white powder, she then looked at Regina "Get in"

Regina got inside the circle, she sat down. Amiya sat across her with the tombstone between them. They were about to perform a spell, Simon watched closely not missing any action. His camera was on silent mode and he took some pictures.

"Where do I come in?" Asked Alice.

"Just offer us your blood and you can be on your way. Plus no vampires remember..." said Amiya and at the end she looked at Nina who grunted and left the tunnel.

Alice took out a small bottle which had her blood and walked away following Nina leaving their friends doing what they do best. Regina was ready, and so was Amiya. They opened the small bottle containing Alice's blood and poured all of it inside the white powder which was on top of a paper.

"Ready?" Amiya asked Regina and she nodded. Then both closed their eyes and started chanting a locator spell to find Nazar. Where was he? And what plans did he have for Alice now that he was free, but most importantly what plans did Lunara have for him.

Since he was the love of Lunara's life then it was very possible that he might have known a few details about the whereabouts of the spectators and when were they supposed to roam Earth. "Pismatus Sangriam Ventee" they said it loud and loud.

The paper covered with Alice's blood, started showing a sort of a map which had directions. "It's working!" Regina exclaimed and they continue with the spell. Over half an hour passed and they stopped, the map was complete.

"It's done."

Amiya took a closer look at it, the map wasn't straight forward and it had a lot of riddles and puzzles to solve. Witch puzzles mainly aimed for a witch to solve them. They looked upon one another. And Amiya said "It's a puzzle"

"I noticed that"

"How do we...solve it?"

"Mm-mmh it's a bit tricky. Let's see..." Regina bent down a little bit closer to have a look "This triangle with a circle on top represents..."

Amiya barged in "A werewolf!"

"I was going to say a supernatural but I guess werewolf works too"

"It's a werewolf. See right here" She pointed at a square looped inside what looked like a star "This is a vampire"

"Why a looped square?" Regina asked.

"I think it represents their lives. Looped in, neither dead nor alive"

They kept looking at the map and finding symbols which represented mostly supernaturals, curses and sacrifices. "This, it's new" said Regina surveying an odd looking symbol which wasn't relevant. It was a square looped shape but with an arrow inside it, the arrow had drops of blood at it's sharp ends.

"A bleeding vampire?" Amiya argued.

"Not that. There's deep meaning to this, let's think harder"

"A dead vampire" Amiya argued again and Regina looked at her with the are you serious look and she smiled.

"More like another version of vampire" Regina said and then she gasped. Both looked at each other and they said at the same time "The spectators!"

Simon who was paying attention to every detail and didn't miss a thing, repeated the words "The spectators?" and then he quickly took out his phone and sent a message to Miraj, who was Cullen's girlfriend.

Regina and Amiya started to pack up their stuffs, ready to leave the tunnel and Simon hid behind a darkened wall holding his breath firmly to avoid being noticed.

They passed him in a hurry, but in just a few steps later Regina came to a halt. "What is it?" Amiya asked her.

"There's someone in here"


Regina turned back, she kept looking around the tunnel following a scent she just picked, a werewolf scent.

"There's a wolf in here!"

"A wolf?"

"Yes, he's here. Somewhere...he was eavesdropping on us"

"Come on, it's nothing we need to warn others" Amiya said and walked outside, Regina remained inside the tunnel still looking for Simon who kept calm during the whole time, he wasn't even breathing.

After five minutes of looking and searching, Regina gave up and walked outside, Simon let out a deep breath he didn't know he was holding in and when it was clear he got out of the tunnel.

Amiya found Nina and Alice on the school's canteen, they were in their deep convo and she barged in "Guys, follow me" and they stood up and follow her. Regina joined the line and they got inside Amiya's car.

Simon was left with questions as to what exactly they were, he was sure the two black girls he just saw at the tunnel were witches but what of Nina and Alice. His phone rang and he picked it up;

"Hey, any lead?" A female voice asked on the other end of the phone. It was Miraj's.

"Two witches. They were doing this crazy spell and kept saying words like the spectators"

"What's that?"

"I don't know yet?"

"Any sign of vampires?"

"Heard they were burned down in some basement outside of town, in the woods"

"Burned down?"

"Yes and I haven't got a scent of none since I was here"

"Good. Keep an eye on them"

"Miraj, I almost got caught by the witch when I was spying them down the tunnel. It's not safe anymore I need backup"

"Back up?"

"Yes, a whole pack and we just few days till full moon. We can kill them"

"I'll see to that" Said Miraj and hang up the phone.

Hawaii had packed everything as he was getting ready for his travels. He was set to leave for Athens, the ancient city of Lunara to meet up with the locals who could've helped with their witch problem. But he was stopped when his friends came over.

"We have bigger issues" said Nina

"What is it now?" He asked looking at all of them.

"The spectators" Alice said.

"That's not new! We've know it for sometime"

"Well, Julian there's more..." added Regina and threw herself on a couch. She was tired of it all.

Alice moved closer to Hawaii as Amiya was about to explain everything. She leaned in and whispered "Julian? I feel very uncomfortable with all this petty calling with you ex"

"I am not enjoying this trust me" He growled.


Amiya placed the map on top of the table and she gathered all her friends around it. "This map can be vulgar but clear at the same time. It's bounded by magic riddles which Regina and I solved. Look here, it shows a vampire and a werewolf. But as you look deeper, they joined up themselves"

Nina interrupted her "To form a hybrid?" she asked and Amiya nodded.

She continued "This looped square with an arrow represents the spectators, but this sign goes on reaches a climax"

"What's that?" Hawaii asked.

A silence moment engulfed Amiya for a minute, then she said "It's me..."