Chapter 25

During the 1920s, it was all fun, music and adventure for Hawaii and Nina. They had just purchased their new mansion at the heart of the busiest city of New York after compelling the bank manager in Chicago to give them a lot of money which they transfered it to New York city's bank.

That was the first time they had landed in the city and almost everything felt so good and new. Hawaii touched their house's floor and kissed it several times, constantly yelling "I love you New York..." as Nina was overseeing the servants who they compelled to unpack their things.

The mansion was huge and had everything inside, expensive furnitures and decorated wardrobes filled with shining fabrics and brooches for Nina. With others shining suits for Hawaii, they felt free and happy as though they weren't running anymore from Antonio who was chasing them for several centuries.

"Come dance with me..." Hawaii pulled Nina close and forced her to dance.

"Let me go, you are crazy"

"Well can you blame me" He said and stopped the dance, he was overly excited as he raced towards the balcony of the third floor and screamed "Isn't this amazing...?" then he turned back to Nina. "I'm going out tonight and find me a girl..."

"I'm so happy that your spirit is back after what happened to Carole. We shall break the curse, but it's just not now" Nina said to him.

"I'll see her again in the next hundred years, but for now...I'm going to celebrate" He jumped up and down, and took out his coat which was on top of a couch and left the mansion as Nina laughed at his whole messy.

He raced downwards to his Henry Ford's Model  T car which was on trend during those time and he switched the engine on, looked back at where he was driving and then drove outside of the house. He was happy, and almost nothing mattered to him during that time than keeping his happiness going. And it may have seemed everyone in New York was happy during that day.

First of all it was July 4th, which was an Independence day for America and many people were outside celebrating. He took a route to the Brooklyn bridge, and all cars were filled with happy people singing and holding America's flag, while they were in their epic costumes dancing to heavy music which blasted through their radio speakers.

"I love New York..." He screamed at them and they cheered on him, the girls threw him air kisses and he grabbed them. He was in such a good mood, with his white tux and his hair freshly cut, he felt like he was on top of the world as he drove while sipping on his whiskey.

His first stop was to a bar, and as to it being afternoon many bars were not yet opened. He wondered around the neighborhood to see most of them displaying "close" in front of their shops but when he found one which had a banner which stated that there was going to be a live band show the night of that day, he didn't care about what the sign said and he barged in. "Not owned by anyone? Interesting..." He said after he just passed without needing an invitation. His hands were in his pockets.

He called out "Hello!"

"We are closed" A female voice replied to him from the back of the bar. She was at the counter cleaning the floor.

"I know but I was just asking about the band that plays tonight"

"What about it?"

"Can I see you?" He said and there Regina stood up with dirt on her hands, and some foam on her face. She was busy scabbing the floor and looked exhausted.

At that moment, Hawaii's eyes sparkled seeing a beautiful woman standing in front of him. For over five minutes he grew numb just looking at Regina, until he was shrugged off by "Like I said, we are close..."

"You are a witch, aren't you?" He asked.

Regina wasn't expecting that, she had never been asked that question by anyone before. She stopped what she was doing and moved closer to him. "You are a vampire?" she asked and Hawaii nodded with a smile.

"If you are here to cause trouble, I would beseech you to reconsider. I killed ten of them in just one week alone, I hate having vampires in my bar"

"Well, as you can see..." He said and walked around, then sat on couch and crossed his legs swinging his suit sideways and wearing that sexy grin to charm her "I'm not just an ordinary vampire, and I'm rich. Rich enough to buy you anything you want, and all you could ever desire. But I have one request"

"What is it?" Asked Regina, intrigued to know more about the man she had just met.

"Be my girlfriend, that's it. I need romance and passion, believe me it's been so long"

Hawaii stood up suddenly, fixed his suit and moved closer to Regina. He looked down at her, and gave her a sign that he was going to kiss her, and she didn't object. That particular sunny day, they shared their first kiss and it was passionate and soft. He held her close by pulling her waist to him, when they had enough he smiled and barged outside of the bar, with a promise he was going to be back. And from that time, to five years later they partied, made love, laugh at jokes and attended soirees together as a couple and it was the best moment for both of them.

Back to reality, Regina was sleeping on the bed at night all alone. While she could hear Alice laughing at Hawaii's jokes on the other room, she had gotten better after Amiya made for her healing herbs that she had taken in the afternoon.

Nina was at the drawing room reading a book, with a glass of whiskey beside her. It was close to midnight and it had gone quiet, suddenly she heard footsteps and when then she turned her attention to the stairs. "It's only me" a whispered voice of Regina said.

"Can't sleep?" Nina asked her.

"Not with him inside with his on true love" She said and poured herself some whiskey too, then she sat on the same couch as Nina.

Nina opened her arms for her, and embraced her on a hug.

"We had fun in New York didn't we?" Regina started a conversation as she laid between Nina's arms.

"Argh, the good ol days..."

"We partied like amateurs"

"You and Julian were on the verge of losing it. Drinking every single day and throwing parties at our house"

"Good Lord! I was so in love back then"

Nina kissed her and she said "You are still in love, I can see it"

"Perhaps I should leave. I never fully healed from him, it's time I think about myself"

Regina sat and had a face to face conversation with Nina. She expressed herself on how she thought perhaps her time at Warlington had come to an end and she should be returning back to Chicago but Nina reminded her that they had a task at hand, stoping the spectators before they emerge and cause chaos. Stopping Nazar from awakening his werewolf gene and those were way more important than Hawaii and his girlfriend.

At dark, the werewolves belonging to Miraj's park were on the woods of Yorkdale in an open challenge for an alpha. It was Zane, who was strong, tall and energetic against John who was not as strong as Zane but he was the one who went against Zane's decision to appoint himself as an alpha. He told him an alpha position isn't a title you get, it's one you fight for it and Zane was ready to fight for it.

The park made a circle where they surrounded the opponents, but they had no idea that Nazar was hiding alongside Miraj and Simon as they watched closely the fight. "I should stop them, this doesn't feel like a good idea" said Miraj.

"They'll kill you" Nazar warned her "I need you alive and I promised to help you" he continued and Miraj shut her mouth and watched as Zane and John started to fight.

It seemed like John, was wrestling to not lose but not to win. His mind focused on how big Zane was and he was wasting his time on him. Every punch that Zane threw, John tried to pass them through but when one punch hit him his head, he could barely move. And he fell down, the park cheered for Zane.

"Zane! Zane! Zane!" They shouted his name as he growled and showed off his thews. But John didn't give up and he made his way up to continue with the fight.

"What did you mean by wolves of montegero who could fly?" Miraj asked Nazar as they continued watching the tournament.

"You are the last of your kind. I bet you have two dark marks on your back"

"How did you know about that?" She asked shocked as she thought she was the only one who knew about the marks.

"That's a symbol of your hidden power"

"It's a myth. I've never heard of a flying werewolf"

"Only that it's not a myth, I came in contact with them a long time ago. They lived in parks, very powerful creatures who killed vampires as if they were just bugs during full moon. They flew high above the sky and their howl could be heard for kilometers away"

Miraj was about to say something but then, Zane had carried John in his shoulders and dropped him down. He was angry and just when he was about to attack John again, Miraj appeared out of nowhere and immersed her arm inside his heart. She didn't even give him a minute to talk and she pulled his heart out, he dropped down dead.

She stood still holding the heart in her arm. The park silently bowed down to her, as their alpha and so did Simon. It was such an emotional moment for Miraj witnessing the power that she thought was lost, getting back to her again and she looked at Nazar who motivated her that she can do anything that she wanted and she will overcome.

Power hungry and greedy for something more overcame her and her pride was too high. Later that night, she had a secret moment with Nazar. She wanted to know anything there was to know about her true nature.

"How can I get my wings?" She asked him.

"You may need a witch for that, to cast a unique spell and lucky for you...I may know one"

"Take me to her. I'll give you anything you want"

"That's the spirit" He said and smiled at her, but then he looked away "Although I fear this is where we part wolf since you made a pact with the other side, the B team"

"What B team?"

"There's a team, first of all my team. The A team, the winning team and the most powerful team. And then, there's a B team well mostly losers and orchestrated by my own brother trying to bring me down"

Miraj never knew anything about teams, but she was ready to help Nazar so as to gain access to the witch who would help her get the wings she was born to have.

"Tell me how I can help, I'm on A team now" she confirmed it with a serious face and Nazar moved closer to her.

"I want you and your pack in the next full moon to be at my side as I awake my gene and become a hybrid. The B team will want to fight, they always like to make a mess..."

Miraj intervened him "We'll take care of that!"

"Nothing can go wrong during the spell, not even a single ingredients. Promise me you will protect me and I shall reward you greatly"

Miraj took two steps back, and she bowed her head down as a sign of giving herself totally to Nazar. He loved it, every single moment of that and he was sure of a strong security when it finally came the day he was ready to become a wolf.