Chapter 60

The whole place went quiet for a moment and all that echoed was the growling sound of Miranda's father as he looked around ─ but he was all alone. In his right hand he carried a wood stake and also he had a backpack which was full of wood bullets, werewolf's serum and just anything that could kill a vampire. 

"He just killed the whole town!" exclaimed Hawaii after a thorough look around and couldn't hear any sound of human being existing. "Where's Miranda?"

"He killed her too"

"He killed his own daughter?"

Jeremiah grabbed his attention to Hawaii "You turned her into a vampire, and she used her to turn himself into a vampire ─ he came to our house and I wasn't there but he came with a death wish. He made a promise to find you, and kill you"

"I am not scared of a vampire hunter Jeremiah" said Hawaii grinning from ear to ear with all the confidence in the world.

"This isn't just a vampire hunter"