Chapter 74

Gladys rushed to Nazar's defense after hearing him screaming from a distance, she knew something was wrong. But she found him sitting on the ground seemed lost and sad, every trick he'd played against Jeremiah never seemed to work out. 

"Hey what's wrong?" she asked him. 

"Leave me alone"

"That's how you treat someone who's actually care about you. What is wrong with you?" 

He barked "I need to be alone!"

"No you don't" said Gladys and forced him up, she was strong enough to pull his gigantic figure up and faced him. 

Like roosters about to fight they eyed each other both panting heavy and anger boiling inside their chests. Nazar was angry that his plans failed, while Gladys was angry that Nazar always acted tough whilst he was not - he may have been a hybrid but he of all people needed help if he's going to have what he wanted. 

"Miraj betrayed us. She was working alongside Jeremiah all this time..."

"I knew that"