Chapter 83

Tina drove the car like it was the last thing she would do, at a speed of eighty kilometers per hour she bounced back and forth ─ and every time she would check on Antonio to make sure he remains sleeping and out. She took the highroad to Tennessee, trying to make her way to the Joroffs city. 

But first she made a call to Jeremiah to discuss about the terms of their agreement, she was supposed to bring Antonio back to him, and he would grant her five hundred thousand grand in cash. 

"You sure it's him?" asked Jeremiah while he was on bed with Lunara, they were all amazed by the news.

"Yes I am, perhaps you'd like a sneak peek" Tina turned the camera to Antonio, he was still sleeping sound like a baby. "There you have it! Do you see him?"

"Flip him over so I can see him clearly" 

"Oh that's him" Lunara interrupted "I can spot him even if he were disguised" she said to Jeremiah. 

"Very well then Tina bring him to me"