Chapter 94

In a quiet and abandoned town which didn't have not even a single voice of neither chirping birds nor any movement of cars or horses, Nina and Regina found themselves tied to a dark room which had only one window ─ and that window was small and maybe just for passing in the air and not to give light to that room. They weren't attacked or beaten up hence they still had their strength.

When Nina awoke she found Regina sitting across the corner of the room, she began to tremble scared that was Antoinette and not her friend but Regina calmed her down "It's me Nina, don't be scared. It's Regi" she said.

"How can I be sure?"

"Trust me if I was that whore puppet I wouldn't be tied here with you" 

Nina slowly pulled herself together and sat on the floor, she then sighed and looked at her leg which was bleeding earlier but she was healed already. "Who are the psychopaths?" she asked.

"I have something to tell you"