Chapter 106

The noises reached where Lunara was sleeping upstairs and she had to come down, so did Rochelle. They all saw how crazy Hawaii was and it shocked them too. He was banging himself on the walls, tearing out curtains and breaking things let it be bottles, chairs and cups. 

Nina had enough and she went after him "Stop it Julian!" she shouted at him. 

"What is wrong with him?" asked Rochelle but Lunara remained silent as she observed Hawaii. "Something is wrong and that's why he's acting up" Lunara said. 

"What is it?" 

Lunara walked to Hawaii and then she placed her hand on his forehead, suddenly Hawaii calmed down and he slowly sat on the couch. Lunara then bit her arm and gave Hawaii to feed from it. "What are you doing?" asked Nina. 

"My blood will show him what is going on with Alice. Something is up, come on Hawaii suck it straight from my vein"