Chapter 124

In a solitary confinement within the labs which Jeremiah owned, Alice was held hostage in one of the labs. She was give high dosage of melatonin, she couldn't even move a muscle and the whole day she remained unconscious just laying on top of the table. There were ten guards looking after her, and five lab technicians who had strict orders from Jeremiah not to leave her side for anything.

On a Tuesday morning Jeremiah woke up early and the first thing he did was to check up on his best chefs to prepare an outstanding breakfast for a guest he was expecting. He gathered all his chefs in the kitchen and ordered them to be done in less than an hour "I need the table prepared in less than an hour, no fuss no nothing okay?" 

"Yes Sir" 

"Thank you... now come on people let's get to work! Work work" said Jeremiah clapping his hands as a motivation for the chefs to keep moving.