Chapter 135

The worst was over and the only task remaining was cleaning up the city and getting rid of the blood stain which was all over the place, rebuild the living room inside the diamond castle and desperately trying to heal from everything that happened. Matthew left Joroffs city with his brother's dead body, he was beyond heartbroken and depressed, he wished he could've saved him or perhaps prove wrong the so called fate which had to have one of them dead so the other could survive. But there was nothing to prove anymore, it was all written and it happened accordingly. 

Nazar and Antonio helped Matthew in burying Ben in the grave yard near Warlington and so they buried Stuart too close to Ben. The worst had passed but still Matthew felt lonely like he never did before. Two of his brothers who he knew for thousands of years were no longer with him, he didn't know where to go or how to start it over without them.