Chapter 145

The tension between Amiya and Regina made that whole place awkward but just to them because the pool was full of other guests swimming and dancing to music. Alice couldn't grasp what was going on, so she asked "Wait a minute... you slept with Hawaii?" that question was intended for Amiya since she knew very well of the relationship between Regina and Hawaii back in those days in the past but she wasn't aware of Amiya's feelings for her ex. 

"Oh she didn't tell you?" Regina asked. 

"No she didn't" 

Amiya suddenly stood up angry "I don't need to tell you anything, or explain myself to you Ali. Yes I slept with him, are you happy now?" 

"Happy? Good heavens! I am dissapointed and feel betrayed by you, I thought you were supposed to be my friend and friends don't go around fucking their friend's exes. Shame on you Miya" said Alice and this time she wasn't the same Alice but a more angry and truly dissapointed one, she stood up and walked away.