Chapter 156

Not all the wolves wanted Yuril to be killed no matter the consequences of what he did, and one of them was Caroline who was Yuril's girlfriends and she was also a member of the pack. When everyone left the place where Yuril was burning, she remained behind and said a prayer "Kihuzi tiobu yamal barikhturk turksh naamaliya..." while crying and collecting the bones. 

Alice woke up on her bed and she tried to remember what she saw last night, wolves surrounding Hadrian's house as if they were searching for something. She asked herself what could really be of importance that would lead to them to barge in and search, Alice decided that she wasn't going to get answers about it nor seek any more further because she was done with supernatural stuffs. But perhaps the supernatural creatures weren't done with her yet for Hadrian had placed a telescope on the rooftop of his home and directed it towards Alice's just to survey her.