Chapter 163

Even though it wasn't an easy travel along the road and they stopped for over five times to just pull a tire from the deep mud, or push the truck when it stopped - they finally arrived at the sanctuary and Hadrian packed the truck just a few metres away. The sun had yet risen and it was four am in the morning, so cold especially for a highland area. 

"We are here?" asked Alice.

"Yes, it's there..." Hadrian pointed on a tall building which was surrounded by a fence all over it and the walls were too high for anyone to climb inside and see.

"Looks like a prison" added Stella.

"It was a prison back then, during the second world war many deserters and prisoners of the war were imprisoned here. Some even hanged for treason"

"So what's the plan?" Lunara asked, she seemed tired already and wanted to get everything over with.