As she kept on driving down the road which was a rough road this time since she took a turn, Alice noticed from a far three black cars coming her way. They had no business going down that road for such early time of the day, yet they were there and at that instant Alice knew they were Jeremiah's men hence she made an attempt to lead them off. But she needed directions from Lunara.
Lunara had arrived in Virginia since last night with Stella and they were just walking in the woods. The whole area was like a dence forest with nowhere to go nor a place to stay, after they walked for over five hours with Stella still tied up, Lunara couldn't find the spot where she thought the Haiki people will be, nor did she have any idea where they would be. Stella noticed that they were lost after a whole day of just walking in circles and finding themselves at the same place.
"Are we lost?" she asked.