Loot-Fallen Eden.

Quickly gathering his thoughts, Jace starts to formulate the best plan to hog all the opportunities the city gives.

"Guess I should start that quest huh" reaching inside his bag that was provided to all players Jace decided to look at the boons he was given from the system, Obviously he wasn't going to do it here what he did was pass by an alley behind a stall that lead to a obscure area. Some players were giving him looks of confusion and disdain.

"What's that player doing must be a noob"

"Why would he go there instead of getting quests"

"Can't you look at him he is obviously a noob"

"Kinda feel bad for him, he doesn't know that some group pk(Player Kill) noobs"

Jace ignored their silly remarks and disappeared from view.

At this moment Jace was pressing a button you wouldn't know is there unless you weren't specifically searching for it. Seeing the stairwell that appeared in front of him Jace thought to himself that

I wonder what happened at the end. because the player that went there revealed some information about a wandering trader that gives out quests then disappears leading to the disappointment of many players.

In the third year of the games run a player found this alleyway after running away from his enemies they used an item which sealed his powers for a period of time barely managing to escape at the last moment, he found the button by pure accident and upon clicking it lead him to the stairwell which lead to the wandering trader who gave him a chain quests on a hidden class called Dragon knight. He then posted this information on the forums which led to an uproar among players he eventually rose to become the top 30 on the leaderboard.

Walking down the stairs which seemed to be covered in an unseeable fog he walked all the ways down relying on only his senses. When he got to the bottom he saw a man draped over in a dark coat standing behind a stall with a cane in his hand.

"Are you the wandering trader"

"Yes I am who are you, No one of this era should know about me yet"

"That doesn't matter, do you have any goods or any quests to give me"

"Ohoho you keep surprising me more and more young man, This old man is starting to like you"

Answer the damn question"

"I do pick whichever one you would prefer" the old man said while dropping three scrolls on the table. Looking at the inconspicuous scrolls he opens it then a screen opens up in front of him.


Remnants of a fallen empire.

Class change quest

Details: The Dragons were one of the most prestigious races that ever existed, they were known as the overlord of mana with their large mana pool and their great affinity with the elements.

But they suddenly went extinct due to unknown reasons.

Investigate the reasons they went extinct and find a successor to revitalize the fallen empire.

Time Limit: 2 years.

Quest penalty: None

Rewards: 50,000% exp, Class change quest to draconic knight, Epic sword.


Looking at the quest Jace had a weird look on his face as he thought to himself 'were the rewards always this good I should probably check the others


Children of nature.

Class change quest

Details: The Elves were known as the followers of the Goddess of nature Artma and they were well known for being the protectors of the divine tree.

They were blessed by the world and nature which led them to have a long life span and good affinity with the elements of the world.

Find the Succession tower of the elves and take the test.

Quest penalty: None

Time Limit: 2 months(in-game time)

Rewards: 50,000% exp, Class change quest to Elven archer, random epic item.


As he browsed through the quest Jace found something that caught his eye 'the divine tree was being protected by the elves all this time, guess I need to pay them a visit soon' sighing Jace opened the third scroll when he saw it his eyes revealed a look of shock.


The fallen children of Eden.

Succession Item.

Detail: The children of Eden were regarded as the most perfect race to ever exist, with their unparalleled beauty and ability to infinitely grow stronger due to them having the genes of the supreme god. Jealous of their beauty and power the Gods decided to wage war against them after killing off nearly half their race the rest went into hiding and were used as servants by the Gods deciding to finally end the race. They decided to experiment on them using the blood of different races and species to try and create a truly perfect race.

They succeeded but it did not go as planned as they were converted to their new form they would not have any free will but some broke out as they waged war against the Gods leading to the first celestial war.

Some of the Children of Eden could not forget any of their resentment as they decided to kill all gods they came across which led to the Gods retreat to the Heavenly realm.

They decide to pass their legacy to humans and some other race to forever spite the Gods. [Accept Y/N]

Warning: If you use this item you will be denied entry into all Empires ruled by Gods, You will be hated by all religions, You will be unable to accept the inheritance of any God. You will also be hunted by all envoys all over the world.


Jace looked at the quest with excitement 'a race from the heavenly realm not only that but the perfect race' Jace quickly read over the warning as decided to press yes anyway 'no the first time I am going to be hunted down who knows it could be fun' a smirk could be seen on Jace's face at that moment.

After reading over the items he chose the third one as he felt it was the most needed currently.

He quickly looked back up to the old man who stood their unfazed by anything that happened,

Quickly noticing Jace's gaze on him he turned towards him and said "Young man have you made your choice"

"I have, I'll pick the third scroll, how much for it" Jace said while looking at the old man.

"You have quite a good eye, young man, other people won't know the true value of the scroll you're holding but you do. You truly are full of surprises young man. You can think of it as a gift from me to you. I have a feeling this won't be the last time we meet, till next time young one" the old man said as he and the two scrolls on the table disappeared into thin air.

Jace realized he was outside the store, he quickly noticed the presence behind him as he began to run towards the exit of the town.

" He doesn't seem to know we are trailing him boss" said a man in a dark cloak.

"That fool left the town when he had the advantage." said another man in a dark cloak.

While Jace looking back at the three dark cloaked men behind him had a smirk on his face

"You idiots you are probably thinking why did I leave the town since I have the advantage, not knowing it was you guys that had the advantage" Jace said as he stooped and turned to look back at the three men following him.

Jace quickly brought out the iron sword which was given to every player at the start of the game

And he looked towards the three men behind him not giving them time to understand what was happening he rushed towards one of them with a sword in his had as he slashed towards the first man that stood in his way making quick work of the first man Jace quickly turned toward the other two men as the fist mans hp zeroed out.

"One down two to go" the other men quickly raised their guards as they noticed their enemy wasn't as simple as he seemed.

"What you guys aren't coming again, guess you guys aren't much after all" Jace said with a mocking expression on his face.

"Y-You how dare you underestimate us" he said as he rushed toward Jace with a dagger in his hand ready to stab him Jace quickly dodged the strike as he countered with his own strike the second mans hp quickly zeroing out as well the third man quickly realizing he wasn't Jace's opponent retreated Jace did not bothered chasing him as he had other things to do.

He quickly found a good cave to open a his loot

"Let see what we good this time" Jace said with a wide grin on his face.