Child Of Sin And Virtue-Pt 2.


The clashing of swords could be heard very loudly as the two people fought

[Light Style:Rendering Apocalypse]

Raising his hand with the sword in it he delivers a mighty attack which seems it would rend the heavens and themselves.

"Not holding back as usual, Gramps!"the young man murmured under his breath but the old man could still hear him.

"Haha,why would I hold back I still have to beat some sense into you before I go senile" the old man says while erupting into laughter.

"I guess I have to get serious too then" the young man says with his eyes becoming sharp and steady and carrying within them a glint of fierceness and brutality

[Dark Style: Life Eater]

Swinging his blade with momentum that threatened to destroy everything on its path

Facing the attack head on an invisible stream of energy seemed to cover the Old Man like a barrier


The power of the incoming attack decreased by at notable amount after colliding with the Old man's barrier

The young man narrowed his eyes at the sight of his attack doing close to nothing

"At the end of the day I still have to use it huh?"

[Dark Style:Demon Possession]

His eyes sudden start to glow red as black rings started to swirl around his pupils

An ominous dark and gloomy presence suddenly fills the atmosphere

The wind quaked in this dark presence, the air howled and the atmosphere cracked

Swinging his sword again a dark energy arced with power that threatened to destroy the land heading straight for the old man

"Hahahah that's what I like to see child" wearing a smirk the Old mans too tightened the grip on his sword and he plunged it towards the incoming attack

[Light Style:Dawn's Descent]


Both attacks collided causing the surrounding area to be demolished

"Gramps can't you take it easy on me I'm just turning 17 soon I can't die before experience the pleasure's of life" the young man said almost screaming toward the Old man but a hint of excitement could be heard in his tone

"Ahh youthfulness, I remember my own prime days the peak of my youth, Ahh such good times what I would give to go back then" the Old man said with a reminsent look on his face

"Shut up Old man, you dare to trick me that you had youthful days, such brutal lies would put even the greatest scammers to shame" the young man sneered towards him while giving him a look of disdain

"Ahaan it's about time we end this" said the Old man his tone suddenly becoming dark and his smile vanishing from his face

"You still can't utilize the style properly, let me show you how to properly use it" he said with a small smirk appearing on his face

The atmosphere suddenly taking a drastic change even worse than when Ahaan had done his

"This is how you use, you don't use it to just execute one attack it encompasses the whole style you use it as a fighting style it can be called an ultimate move of sorts but they other moves branch out from that one move, now enough chit-chat for now, time for a practical demonstration" Rushing forward with blade in hand the Old man twisting his sword suddenly plunged it into the youths leg while also use that opportunity to deliver more strikes


Dodging the attack the youth backed away make a bit of distance between him and the Old man, the Old man looking at this once again smiled and lunged forward again delivering slash after slash at the youth


Once again dodging the attack the youth took to the air with his sword lunged out again the Old man meeting his gaze up above with the smug smirk on his face nodded towards the young man as he called out

[Light Style:Dawns Descent]

[Dark Style: Life Eater]


But then the Old man's attack which the youth was expecting never came as he saw the Old man drop to his knees with blood coming down the side of his face

"Gramps, are you alright!" the youth suddenly called out dropping his weapon while rushing toward the Old man with a concerned look on his face

But then the Old man frail expression suddenly morphed into one of smugness the youth suddenly sensing a disturbance in the force quickly tried to back away, alas he was too late as the Old man's nefarious intentions had been brought to light

"Haha you're done for now I got you" the old man said with a smug look on his face while looking at the calm expression of the youth, the smile on his face quickly vanished as the youth called out


[Krasta Style:Heel Hook]

The Old man was suddenly caught in a chokehold in between Ahaan's heels, this could be said to be an almost impossible move to pull off if to the people of the past that is!

The youth relishing in his hard-earned victory was late to realize the attack that was coming towards for head

[Krasta Style:Knee Thrust]

The Old man who had been caught in a chokehold suddenly raised his lower body raining seemingly endless blows toward the youths head


"I Give up, I give up!"the youth said alarmingly for fear that his beautiful God-given head would be bashed in and broken by this brute of a Master and Grandfather

"You still have a lot to learn young one" the old man said with a jokeful voice

"I know I know now, can I go watch my anime now, I believe training is done for the day" the youth said in a slightly exhausted tone that would make anyone acquiesce to his request. But the next words caused him to tremble and shake from his very core

"Actually I am banishing you from my abode Ahaan Kan, now before you make any bold assumptions I'm not kicking you out because of anything you did, it is because i have taught you all that i can now all that is left is for you to walk your own path Han" the old man said while reminiscing the times he had spent with his grandson

To truly understand Han's backstory we would have to go back a long period of time two centuries to be precise it all started on what is now known as [The Day of the Resurgence] it was deemed such because of the belief that some people had that we were reborn as a new species discarding our humanity and transcending into the domain of the Gods.

The cause of that is what is now known as [Authority] which according to scientists gave us the power to unlock our latent and sealed potential.

With the already widening gap of those with power and those without the newfound powers caused havoc worldwide, From a survivor of what was termed [The Dark Ages] it was pure Chaos,Terror and Death

But the arrival of this new found power also brought its own benefit such as improvement to technology, Increased lifespan and mythical powers

Each person awakened a different kind of [Authority] which correlated with how much of your brain is unlocked

The average person has 5% of their brain unlocked while geniuses and the like had 6-9% while the few that had unlocked 10% were the like of Einstein and Newton

And lets not forget those prodigies even they had 13% unlocked, the highest ever recorded percentage was 21% this was regarded as the monster territory

At the basic stages everyone got the same abilities such as enhanced thinking and improved bodily control, but where it truly got crazy was when people started to awaken unique abilities such as conjuring fire and superhuman strength and speed

Scientist's digress that our brain have the power to control nature itself which lead to the sudden appearance of what is known as Abilities

Each person has their own unique power, some could conjure flames and some could control every nerve in their body perfectly. Such insane abilities were given to us.

Instead of everyone uniting together to help on another they went straight to war*sigh*

Such is human nature after all, This led to the creation of [The Slums] where people unneeded by society were dumped and forgotten

Most of the people in the slums were either criminals or people who were rejected by society but there were always a few exceptions such as people who needed to lay low or people looking for something in particular otherwise people had no reason to be here

That was where he found the prodigy himself Ahaan khan.