Child Of Sin-Pt5

Upon the planet Thiastea there lay 7 continents each about the size of ¼ of earth(127 518 000 kilometers) each harbour billions of lives and are home to a variety of races.

Yeibras (The land of the Humans)

Baluin(The Land of the Beast Races)

Iaphluth(The Land of the Demi Humans)

Vinwich(The Land of Extinction)

Trioblen(The Land of the Gods)

Emacia(The Land of the Dead)

Klopleth(The land of the United Races)

Within Yeibras the land upon which our protagonist stands upon, Yeibras the domain of the humans. A land riddled by war after years of territorial fighting various powers have consolidated themselves and formed the Confederation Of Human Empires(COHE) which were made up of the following empires and unions.

The Void Empire.`

The Tera Empire.

The Aeodor Empire.

The Sattera Empire.

The Allied Federation Of Kingdoms(AFOK).


Pov:Void Emperor. Capital of The Void Empire.

I look down from my throne staring at my subjects before me, each with their head bowed as I passively let out an aura that demanded respect.

"""All Hail His Majesty""" I stared down at the three men with a bored and aloof look planted upon my face as if to show my already disinterest in whatever topic they brought before me. I fully expected it to be a problem with the 4 Noble Clans. They have been rowdy recently especially with the discovery of the Stathil mine which will advance energy research by years. A single ounce is able to generate unbelievable amounts of energy.

"Your Majesty, We have come to inform you that according to the seer the prophecy has begun. I am afraid the dark ages are upon us again. I implore His Majesty to stop this at all costs!!, The last one took way too much from us." The councilman said with fear across his face.

This was surely not what I was expecting, The prophecy has started already I thought we still had more time on our hands. Tch. This does put a damper upon a lot of my plans especially with the war going on now. I have to gather the council about what we shall do concerning this matter.

"Gather the COHE. Tell them the matter at hand is urgent." I said as I got up from my pitch black throne as I began to walk down the gold encased stairs.

""Yes Your Majesty, By the Will Of The Void""" They chanted out in unison as they quickly filed out of my throne room off to gather the other members of the confederation.

The Tera Empire led by The Witch Of Damnation Tiree V Sorodkin

The Aeodor Empire led by The High Supreme Romania Aeodor

The Sattera Empire led by The Heavenly Empress Lucciene VI Sattera

The Allied Federation Of Kingdoms(AFOK) led by The Apostle of Stars. Chief Representative Arwin Seidel.

Each being holds not only immense amounts of Political and Military Might but also hold personal power capable of wiping out nations as easy as breathing.

Swiping down my hand I use [Resonant Vacuum] a special technique developed to teleport long distances as I teleport towards the meeting place for the members of the federation.

As I make my entrance I realise I am the last person to arrive at the venue as the other emperors are seated upon their individual thrones in a circular manner. I sit down and call out.

"Let the meeting begin"

Pov:Tiree V Sorodkin. Federation meeting

"Let the meeting begin" I hear him call out in a domineering voice, As the Void Emperor or better known yet as Akasa V Nitchs. A true emperor in all rights a man capable of creating an empire from the ground up and earning his place among the Order of Emperors.

"So why have you called us here today Akasa? I do not have time to waste on a tea party, I have an empire to run." I hear the emperor of the Aeodor empire say haughtily towards the Void Emperor and he carries himself without any poise, A sight truly unbefitting of any emperor.

"Truly lacking in manners aren't you Romania" I say as I glance towards his direction as his face scrunches up at the blatantly undermining of his authority. Not like I care for his foolish opinion.

"He does bring up a valid point, Tiree. We are all curious as to why Akasa has convened us here today. Would you mind explaining to us Akasa" I hear someone I wouldn't expect to speak raise their voice. The Heavenly Empress herself Luccience VI Sattera.

An empress in all rights, A woman with both brains and braun , A strategic genius capable of overturning the tides of war towards her favour and she also packs a punch truly a great woman but those are not were her talents stop possessing looks potent enough to make the most hardened warriors drop their sword upon sight of her graceful visage. Truly a woman worthy of the moniker {War Goddess}.

I turn to face Akasa as he begins to speak towards the reason he had us summoned, The next words rattled me to my core.

"I've have currently been informed by my seer that the prophecy has begun. The end of days is upon us!! The second coming of the Age of Extinction." The Void Emperor said with a blank look on his face as if unfazed by the news.

But anyone fully aware of the truth would currently be in a state of absolute shock and terror as the amount of lives that were lost to seal that evil being away were way to many. We still feel the effect of that war today, the war that turned an entire continent inhabitable. It took all the Emperors of old to defeat him and even then we barely did it.

The thought alone is terrifying as I look around as I see the other Emperors as rattled as I am.

I recall the prophecy as it follows.

It shall be on the blessed day that the blessed ground shifts as a child bathed in red awakens to the blessed rise of grandeur.

Once the rain returns, a challenge shall bring forth the rise of what was forgotten and a new fury.

There comes a day when a red child is born, a black haired man shall mark an age of justice and the rise of grandeur.

It shall be on the day that the last one dies, a war shall mark the restoration of balance.

There comes a day when rocks will rain from the blessed sky a fall bringing to life the blessed toppling of leaders.

It shall be on the blessed day that the blessed sky is thick with blood as the returned banished one ushers forth an age of death.

It shall be then, when the blessed world turns to winter a vicious act marks the blessed end of history.


Heyo really lack luster chapter a bit shorter than what I usually put out. I was in a bad mood as this was written but it got better so yea. Catch you later.

Lieu The Undying.

I forgot what day of writing this was

This is probably gonna be the last AN im writing
