The Apocalypse and the old friend


Far outside Tempest, the trio from Yuurazanya were gathered to rest before planing what to do next.

However, the Black leopard had no intention of resting.

"Damn it!! Damn it!! That damned Goblin!!" He punched the tree in front of him in frustration. How can he, a proud member of demon lord Karion's troops get dominated by a snot-eating Goblin?! This was a humiliation of the century.

"Phobio-san, calm down!" His monkey man friend spoke trying to cool the situation down "Don't forget we still have a mission to do."

The goat man hummed "Indeed, Our approach was definitely on the worst side."

"Huh? You want me to go and beg them? We are a demon lord's subordinates, their lord should be at our feet begging to join our Pride!" Phobio said.

"But in order to accomplish our mission, we must compromise." The monkey man said.

"Damn it! If only I was stronger..." Phobio mumbled.

At that moment, a melodic voice came from the deep part of the forest "I hear someone looking for power♪! A fat man came spinning inside the trio and did a weird dance startling them.

"Wh! Who are you?!" Phobio asked while taking a battery stance.

"Nah, nah, no need to worry, I am the fairy granting wishes♪ call me footman!" He winked, although there was no way to know since he wore a mask.

"And I am his assistance! Tear, as in Teardrop!" Another masked little girl came after him and they posed together.

"What the hell are you lot?" Phobio questioned while growling.

"So impatient, I told you, I am here to grant your wish, you want to be strong don't you?" Footman came so close to Phobio's face and spoke "You want to take revenge on that Goblin and restore your honor, don't you?"

Such words rang into Phobio's ears like honey as he remembered what happened to him in Tempest.


Back with Acnologia...

At Yggdrasil.

Now being surrounded by a crowd of leaf people who are calling Irene a theif.




They all kept on saying as such, Irene's face was red as her body trembled, either fr embarrassment or anger.

At that moment, an old and grumpy voice came from behind the crowd "Make way! Make way!! Where is she?"

An old leaf man who was fuming with an old time rage "You dare come back after what you did?!" Like a rabid dog he jumped at Irene only to be caught by his fellow Druids.

"Let me at her! Let me at her!!"

"Grandpa calm down!"

"Your health is very bad!"

"Your core can't take anymore negative emotions!"

"Old Sfix, I see you are healthy as ever." Irene faked a cough and spoke to the fuming elder with a smile.

"GRRR!!" The now named Sfix growled like a mad dog "You bitch I was punished for 90 years by the elders because of you! How dare you come back again!!"

"Haha! C'mon it wasn't that bad. I gave you a book of light magic at the time and I only took a branch from the tree." Irene responded to the fuming Sfix.

"Ya fucking idiot, that is why I was treated as an accomplice in your thievery, 90 years of farming the endless plains..." Sfix cried his eyes out.

"Well now we came as guests, and I have brought friends too." Irene said.

"Fuck off with your friends." Sfix said with a middle finger up in the air.

"What do you think about an artificial sun for you." Irene said.

"Welcome home old friend." In a second, Sfix was shaking Irene's hand "You should have informed us, we would have prepared a feast. Hahaha! Everybody Irene is back! Wohoo!!" He said.


"Welcome home!!"

"We missed you!!"

A 180 turn in attitude, the druids starting celebrating the return of an old "friend"

Acnologia came closer to Irene "Artificial sun? Can you even make that?" He asked.

Irene only smiled brightly "I never said anything about making it."