The Apocalypse and the dragon festival

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Veldora shot through the sky, without any delay, he quickly reached the location where Rimuru's faint aura is.

Veldora crashed down and shouted "Rimuru!!" His roar made a Sonic boom and the nearby town people heard him.





Unaware that the storm Dragon's interest was not them at all, he looked around frantically "Where are you? Rimuru!"

He looked for his little sibling in worry, until he heard a small voice "Over here." Rimuru's voice came from under the bushes.

"Ah! Come here you! How did you get yourself in this state!" Veldora transformed into a human and took Rimuru in his palm, his slime body was smaller than a tennis ball.

"Well, I had to trick that girl or she would have killed me, haha!" Surprisingly, Rimuru spoke cheerfully.

"Where is she? I'll rip her apart!" Veldora had a grim expression after he heard that Rimuru was about to be killed.

"Nah, nah! She is Shizu-san's disciple, We can't kill her!" Rimuru objected.

Veldora sighed "I doubt Acnologia would listen to this reason." He said.

"Don't worry about, I am fine, I can speak to him about it." Rimuru didn't hold any grudge against his attacker, she was Shizu-san's disciple and one of his country men.

Veldora smiled "I don't think Acnologia will be moved by your words this time. Not in his current state."

Rimuru picked up the hint "What? What happened?!" He asked.

"The city was attacked by humans, civilians were killed." He said.

Rimuru's mind went cold as he froze in his place "L-Lets go home!!" He said in worry.

Veldora nodded, he could hear the disbelieve in his sibling's voice. So he didn't speak any further and took off back home.


Near the outskirts of Tempest, Gaberu was with his squad flying in the sky above the clouds, with their piercing vision they could see an army of thousands of humans below them.

"Humph! Fools, not only did they commit a war crime, they have the audacity to make an army against us." Gaberu frowned.

One of his followers spoke "Gaberu-sama, they seem to be making some sort of ritual." He said pointing to 4 different groups.

Gaberu took some time to analyze what sort of ritual they are making "That crystal in the middle...It's a magiculus disruptors...Funny!" Gaberu couldn't help but smile mockingly, as if that will help them.

"So the ritual is to protect them from the Magiculus Distruptors effect...not a bad idea for humans." He said. "Let's head back to Tempest, we make our report." Gaberu said as he flapped his wings to head toward Tempest, a city that is standing true it's name currently, as Storms of rain and thunder were raging in the forest, creating a huge vortex of chaotic weather.


Rimuru returned home, to witness the massacre that happened, the number of graves that never existed here before in the city, it was like lightning struck him, He couldn't see some of his closest friends, obviously, they were dead underground.

Shion and Shuna were there beside him to comfort him, but it did nothing of such.

Rimuru sank in his disbelieve, questioning the situation, why were they attacked? For what reason? And the answers the great Sage gave him only fueled his confusion and anger.

Acnologia came to see his sibling drowning in his doubts and frustration, Rimuru felt Acnologia's chilling aura that was followed by a harsh voice, he didn't dare to look back and only lowered his head.

"..I have told you..." Acnologia spoke "Soon you will come to regret your choice."

Rimuru's magic aura burst out in anger and hatred "Who is it?" He asked.

Shuna was in sadness, seeing Rimuru's pain transfer into anger made her feel sad and heartbroken, so she spoke "Farmas Kingdom sent their summoned Heroes in a stealth operation, while we fought against Charybdis and his minions, they took the chance and killed our citizens, mostly females and children and the weak males."

At that moment, Gaberu arrived "And apparently, they have set an army at our forest outskirts, preparing an attack on the city." He said as he struck his spear to the ground. "The Human arrogance knows no bounds."

Rimuru smiled coldly "I see...I will take care of them myself." He took out Shizu-san's mask. "What do you think, brother?"

Everyone looked at Acnologia for his answer, Acnologia smirked "Go ahead, I have different plans for them."

"I see..." Rimuru made batwings and flow up in the sky.

Acnologia looked at Benimaru, Rigurdo, Gaberu, Gild, Shion, and Souei, "You guys, go after him and don't let anyone escape." He said "Melt their army to the ground."

Magic aura started surrounding Acnologia and he burst out in his Dragon form and flow up to the sky "I'll go to their kingdom, and make a home for demons!" There was hint of joy in his voice, clouded by hatred and frustration, finally, he will unleash his wrath on them.

"An eye for an eye."

Irene who was on top of the main mansion, looked at Acnologia leaving, and followed by Veldora "My, what a sad chapter of history this is gonna be."


In Farmas kingdom. The people were going on with their day normally like nothing was happening. The market was full of people, the churches were full of worshipers, not aware of what disaster their king has brought upon them.

But that will change in a second.

Soon, an ear piercing roar boomed on top of their heads, terror and fear quickly struck the people down, as they all looked up to see a huge black claws emerging from the clouds, little by little, a full Obsidian Dragon with Blue Tattoos descended, followed by slightly similar dragon.

Suddenly, the world went silent and everyone could hear their heart beats as the dragon cane slowly down and stood on top of their huge walls.

And then...


Acnologia roared, sending a massive shockwave they pushed and erased the ground in front of him, including any living being that stood in front of him.

And he Dragon Festival has begun!