Unexpected Banishment

As Rein uttered those words, he saw Luther's eyes widen in astonishment, then furrow his eyebrows as he felt the oozing, menacing aura exude from Rein's body.

"You— You wouldn't… You're bluffing," Luther claimed as a streak of sweat formed on his forehead, flowing down his cheek.

"Wanna try? Go ahead and steal her curse. That'll just mean that I'll thrust my swords through mine and this girl's necks," Rein glared at him with unwavering spirit, his words shaking Luther's unconscious.

"Heh… I don't care if you kill yourself. Go ahead, I'll taking this girl's curse now," Luther claimed as he took a step towards Xenia, still keeping his face tilted to Rein, who began frowning.

Luther's uneasy expression grew as he took another step, Rein suddenly lodging the blade deeper into his neck, making it gush out even more blood, forcing Luther to stop his advances and grit his teeth in an annoyed manner.