An Enemy You Can't See

[Gargantuan Gorilla Vanquished!]

[Dragon of the Beyond Vanquished!]

[Goblin Lord Vanquished!]

Exp +224 000!

[Level Up!]

134 → 135

Exp: 133 000 / 350 000 

Health: 2820 → 2850 

Energy: 1410 → 1425 

Speed: 400.1 → 403.2

Strength: 431.5 → 434.6

Defense: 354.4 → 359.4

Intellect: 321.6 → 324.1

[New Skills!]

Gargantuan Gorilla leveled your skill [Built Different] to the next level!

Built Different ++: Allows you to make an object, or yourself, indestructible for 20 seconds. Cooldown is based on the damage it absorbed

Dragon of the Beyond gave you a new passive skill!

[Miasma Immunity]

Goblin Lord gave you a new skill!

Cancel Out: Instead of inverting their Spring by touch, this allows the user to cancel the Spring out entirely, making the affected unable to use it for a period of time. This also stops the use of the inverted Spring by the user, so be careful!