Spiral Tunnel

"H-hey, wait! Shouldn't we help him?" Chloe shrugged her arm away as they got underground.

"Chloe, we don't have time. There are 2 other enemies guarding your brother, and you're gonna need me to take them out," Rein calmly explained.

"..." Chloe grit her teeth as they left Sho behind, Rein and Emria continuing through, forcing Chloe to run after them.

"I know it's hard, but it had to be done. We just have to put our faith in Sho," Rein consoled. "He's stronger than he looks. If anyone can do it, it's him," he praised, which put Chloe's mind at ease as they descended the stairs.

They were rocky, stone stairs in an ominously placed tunnel, though surprisingly, it was well lit, with torches of fire lined on the sides of the walls as they descended.