Prologue to the End (3)

As everyone escaped from the cavern, Voron picked Core up and bolted into the research facility behind him, his sudden action catching Galo off guard.

"Tch, everyone, go after the escapees! Roki, come with me," he ordered, everyone in the army complying as they ran up the tunnel to pursue the group who escaped.

"Yeah yeah, stop bossin' me around," Roki followed Galo into the research facility in pursuit of Voron and Core.

"Hey, old man! What's the big idea?!" Core yelled as they reached the second floor, to which Voron set him on the ground.

"Sit still for a second," he said as he strapped Core with a metal brace that went around his chest.

Core instantly recognized what it was. It was a Springless teleporter, the same one from the future.

"What the?! I'm sure I used up my last one…" Core uttered, then came to a realization, looking up at Voron in amazement. "No way… Did you..?" He asked, to which Voron nodded.