Desperate Defense

Due to Rein's weakened state, the analysis couldn't provide him with the user, nor could it tell him the stats. However, the identity of the one standing before him was confirmed shortly after, by the girl he had just defeated.

"G-grandmaster..?" She uttered, struggling to regain her composure in the presence of her master.

Rein saw a faint smile grow on the mouth under the hood, then laugh softly.

"Hee hee, you're useless to me now Bella," she laughed, and without another word of explanation, she held out her hand.

From there, an immeasurably powerful force could be felt beginning to form at her palm, a shadowy ball appearing, which distorted the very space around it, a clump of mass so dense that it had its own gravitational force. 

She sent this compact ball of space flying towards Zane and Bella, though it was going quite slow, warping the very air in its wake, and distorting the walls and floor as it passed.