
Rein remained silent, not wanting the two in the cell to notice him, but it was to no avail. The man in the cell shot up from his seat on the floor as he saw Rein and ran to the iron bars, planting his face between them.

"Rein! It's me, Lance!" He yelled out, the chains around his hands and feet jingling as he moved.

The other woman in the cell, Elaine, looked up, also noticing them pass by. She ran to the side of the man and as he did, stared out of the iron bars.

Rein clicked his tongue then turned his head away from the two. Something seemed to be bothering him. He didn't want to look at the two any longer.

"Be quiet," suppressing his anger, he whispered.

"Oh, my bad. Are you sneaking in? Are we saved?" Lance quieted down and continued speaking.

"You'll be saved after the war's over. Just be quiet now," Rein remarked as they exited through the door in the hallway, all the while avoiding looking at the couple in the cell.