Where There's Smoke There's Fire

The walk to Draconica was long, and with the sun now out of sight, the two decided to rest up in the nearby town of Loyogo. Despite it being under Orthlysian control, it was minimally guarded, considering it was a small town on the outskirts of the continent. They managed to infiltrate by wearing little disguises, Chloe putting a hood up to hide her horn, and Rein switching his hair color with STO, which he had just regained control of after two out of three artifacts were removed.

As they walked through the strangely lively night streets of the town, they heard many people speaking about a group of three mysterious individuals who had left the city that day.

"You hear? Word around town is that those three kids who were stayin' in the Yogo Inn were wanted criminals," one man spoke aloud.

"No shit? They seemed like a nice bunch of kids. Scary how fooled we were," another responded.