Where Are The Gifts?

It was when he was talking to this male acquaintance that she arrived. Clad in a black short tight fitted gown which stops at her thigh he was bewitched by her elegance. The way she constantly flips her long black hair while maintaining that heavenly smile captivated him as no other woman has done. He was drawn to her and in the process, he subconsciously gets bewitched by her.

That night all he could see and think about was that heavenly smile of hers and the way she flips her hair. He saw her in everyone he sets his eyes on.

It got to a point that he thought he had gone insane. He even visited his doctor because he thought he had lost his damn mind. It was in the hospital the doctor announced to him that he was in love after making so many analyses.

When his doctor came up with this conclusion he had stood up to punch the young guy for spouting nonsense. If not for the fact that he controls his temper he would have punched him really hard.