Let's Make Love

Jasmine afterwards took her stance and began dancing in full force. Being a very good dancer, Jasmine did not have problems adjusting her dance steps each time the music changed to a different one.

Jackson watched the dancing lady. Although he has seen her dance so many times he still got surprised at how coordinated her dance moves were. How she manipulated each part of her body intrigued him. He watched her dance with keen interest. With two bottles of wine closed to him, Jasmine had accessed to the alcohol that she wanted.

Within an hour of dancing, she has almost finished a bottle of wine. Jackson wanted to scold her but he didn't have the heart to do so when he saw how happy she was.

When a certain song played, the excited Jasmine began twisting her slender waist. Seeing her twist her waist and entire body like a boneless person, Jackson was mesmerised. He could not take his eyes off her.