The Truth Jasmine Didn't Know About Her Father

She went to stand at the window abandoning the blankets she used to shield her naked body on the bed.

Jackson climbed out of bed and went to where she stood. He wrapped her up with the blankets.

"Of course, I know how you feel about your old man but I think you are wrong about him. I would like to explain why I said so," Jackson hurriedly completed his sentence before she could cut him short.

"And what do you mean by that?" Jasmine asked turning to look at him.

"Your old man was the one who helped me with the situation in my company. I shouldn't be telling you this since he made me promise not to mention a word to you....,"

"What are you trying to say?" Jasmine asked in shock. She couldn't bring herself to believe what Jackson just said.

"Isn't your company now steady and your position as CEO still stable because of Jane's press conference and her family's help?" Jasmine asked curiously.