The Ladies Discovered The Truth Of Her Pregnancy

Jackson on the other hand began enjoying the company of his father-in-law after his conversation with Alfred.

Steve and Alfred also didn't have any problems.

Jasmine despite disliking her mother's numerous phone calls had to put up with it since she knew what she was most worried about.

Today being a weekend, the eight friends decided to chill out at Alfred's and Elizabeth home.

The ladies sitting on the chairs close to the swimming pool peered at Jasmine as she climbed out of the swimming pool. Their eyes mainly focused on her body.

"Girl, why do I notice that your weight is increasing each time I see you. Am I perhaps the only one noticing this?" Evelyn commented when Jasmine reached where they stood.

"I have also mentioned the same thing to her but she brushed it off by saying that I was mistaken," Catherine added in a serious tone.