Surprise Brewing

Jacksonn left Mr Avans office in high spirit. At the moment he felt like he could touch the skies.

Throughout the remaining working hour, Jasmine didn't hear anything from Jackson. He didn't call her back as he promised nor did he message her like he always did.

Though she was worried about him, she didn't call him for fear that he might be in a very important meeting. She decided to exercise patience with the hope that she will meet him home when she returned.

Some minutes to the closing hour, Jasmine received a phone call from Elizabeth.

"Jasmine, are you free?" Elizabeth asked the instant Jasmine answered the line.

"Lizzy, I wanted...,"

"The guys have plans of hanging out without us today so that means they are not gonna return before midnight so how about we ladies hang out too?" Elizabeth said deliberately not allowing Jasmine to talk.