
He took her to the sitting room. Still carrying her on his body he took her to where the telephone lay on a brown table.

He dialled a number and waited for a response. The moment there was a response he didn't even wait for the recipient to finish greeting him and went ahead to list out his orders.

Natasha kept quiet throughout the period her father spoke on the phone.

"Let's go sit down and wait for both Mummy and the food to arrive ok?" Jackson pats his daughter's hair and he proceeded to the couch.

"Sweetheart, you must be famished right? Do you want to have some juice and snacks while we wait for the food to arrive?" Jackson asked the girl lying on the couch with her head resting on his legs.

"I have had a few snacks so I am not that hungry," said Natasha, smiling. Hearing how understanding she sounded made Jackson feel bad.