Rank names

Hi guys, Gatekeeper here...

So, I was thinking about having their levels names per rank.

like this FOR EXAMPLE:


The Level Ranking System looks like this if you're still confused:

Level 1-9 : Trainee

Level 10-19: Soldier

Level 20-29: Expert

Level 30-39: Knight

Level 40-49; General

Level 50-59: Warlord

Level 60:69: Legend

Level 70-79: Sage

Level 80-89: Saint

Level 90-99: Demi-god

Yeah... Like this one, but if I were to do that, I think you will be mad because I skipped levels to show their development from the time skip.

So I came up with this one instead.

[Level 1 - 20] : Warrior

[Level 21- 40] : Heroic

[Level 41 - 60] : Legend

[Level 61 - 89] : Saint

[Level 90 - 99] : Demi-god

Now if you're still confused with the demon bloodline purity, I will write about it in the chapters. The MC is gonna be included in it. I think it's going to be a whole arc after this one so stay tuned.


Tell me what you think on the ranking systems I developed for this world. I will make my decision based on what you said.