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"Inform him that you're unavailable as you are reserved by your moonlight, tonight." Taeil exclaimed playfully and Dongyoung just shook his head while chuckling. Though, he did inform him that he wouldn't be home that night.

He then went back to Taeil kissing and sucking every part of his exposed body. Soon he reached to his pants and discarded them along with his undergarments.

He stroked through the elder's hole a little making the latter whine in pleasure. Then he slipped his index finger inside and Taeil was already a moaning mess.

He started fingering him roughly making Taeil release those sinful sounds he cherished. Soon his fingers were replaced by his tongue and pounded Taeil aggressively just by his tongue tasting Taeil internally.

He then sat up and stayed still in silence. Unsure if he should do it next or not. He obviously has been waiting for it. But he didn't want Taeil to regret anything in the morning after having a pleasing night together.

Taeil noticed Dongyoung's expression and sat up, reaching to his side.


Dongyoung just looked at Taeil in confusion. The elder caressed his cheek. "I want it with you. I want it to be you. Doyoung, I have waited for so long. And I know, so did you."

"I want you to be first, as well as my last. Kim Dongyoung."

"So tonight, I will become your first." Dongyoung lifted Taeil's chin up and stole another kiss. "And I will make sure to be your last as well, Moon Taeil."

That night, they finally made love for the first time. Becoming each other's first as well as wished to be each other's last.


The morning came as the sun rose and the sunlight hit the room through the thin gap between the curtains shining brighter through the man's eyes as he slowly yawned and tried to stretch his body only to feel the grip on his body tightened. He turned his head a little to find the bunny-like man still sleeping next to him peacefully. Their bodies were tangled into each other and there was not a single piece of clothing on their bodies except the velvet blanket. So the last night was real.

The man blushed at the thought and smiled happily realizing that it was not just a dream anymore. It was real. They were together for real. He slowly reached the other's face slowly kissing lightly on the latter's nose and that made the latter grunt in sleep. "Taeillie…"

"Good morning, Doie. Come on, get up. Otherwise we both would be late."

"You're already being a bossy wife." Dongyoung said lazily.

Taeil giggled as he got up while the younger protested. "Not sure about bossy but for your wife, I'll sure be. Now get up babe. I'm sure you too would not like to make Jungwoo wait. Remember, he's the one who's assisting me with finding myself a new shelter."

"So you're really moving? Is my shelter not yours? Do you not like it in here?" Dongyoung asked while slowly getting up and a panic bunny expression appeared on his face.

The latter giggled while kissing the younger lightly on the lips. "Well, this is exactly not your home since it's your business. And, relation between business. I'm just waiting for you to be ready to actually take me to your shelter as your respective life partner, Doie."

Dongyoung looked down, not really knowing what to respond to. Taeil caressed his cheeks in an assuring way. "I know Doyoung. I understand. Take your time baby."

"I love you Taeil." The younger said and pulled the elder for another kiss though for a rougher one. They pulled away after a few minutes and Taeil giggled. "Love you more. But right now, I need to take a shower more."

"Oh right. I too need to get freshed but there's only one shower in this room. So, I guess I'll have to go home or just to an unengaged room's one." Dongyoung said as he stood and started dressing himself so he could leave and give Taeil his privacy but guess the shorter had some other plans as he blocked the younger's way to the door.

"Or how about… We just just shower together and save water, time and energy?" Taeil wasn't sure about the energy part though.

The younger raised his eyebrow. "Please Doie! Sharing is caring. I'll even rub your back!" Taeil pouted and Dongyoung approached the latter and picked him. Taeil held onto Dongyoung's waist by his legs while his hands snaked around his neck. They both leaned for a chaste kiss and laughed lightly after pulling away.

"Okay Taeillie. I accept your offer but don't blame me if energy will be consumed."


"Wow… It looks even better in person than the previews you have sent me."

"So… Did you like this place, Taeillie Hyung?"

"Like this place? I love it, Jungwoo. The space, the interior, the design, everything just feels so warm and welcoming. It's totally perfect for me. It feels as if you just read my mind and got me to a place that's beyond what I've expected." The elder confessed as he looked around the house that he was going to move or most probably had already moved in.

Jungwoo chuckled lightly as he flipped his hair, making him even more charming than he already was. "Well, I can also read souls if you would grant me the opportunity, Hyung."

The shorter man pinched the younger's cheek playfully while responding, "I think it'd be better if you'd read the soul of your soulmate."

Only if he knew that Jungwoo had always pictured him as his soulmate since the day they met.

"Ahh… I should have done the payment and all already. If I'd known that I'm gonna like it this much, I would have done it already. But now I guess I gotta have a meeting with the landlord again. Anyways, Woo-ah, you really did a big help. You sure are the best dongsaeng one could ask for."

"Don't worry about that, Hyung. All that has been sorted out already." Jungwoo smiled gently at the elder and the latter gasped at the realization that hit him. "Woo-ah..? Why… You didn't need to…"

"I wanted to, Hyung. Now please don't lecture like Doyoungie Hyung. I just wanted to help you the best I could since that's what you deserve Hyung. The best of all."

Taeil giggled and lowered his head a little in embarrassment. "Okay, okay. I won't lecture you. But at least, maybe I can give you a treat? Since you're now the first ever visitor at my home, I should cook something good for you. But, guess I gotta clean and set the things in place first…" He muttered the last part to himself as he started looking through the messy house.

"How about we go grab a meal outside, Woo-ah?" The elder suggested.

"Or… How about we both clean together then have a meal at home afterwards and save money, time and energy?"


"I still feel so bad Woo-ah, for getting you stuck with the tons of my house chores on your very first visit. Gosh… It's so embarrassing."

"And now I honestly feel Illie Hyungie, as if you want to kick me out of your house."

The latter chuckled a little and shook his head. "Well, from my house? No. But from.a house which has pretty much spiders as of now? Yes."

"What? Spider? Where is it? How big is it? Is it here in this room? I hate spiders." Jungwoo started panicking as he checked up himself to see if there was any spider on him and brushed off his shirt in order to get rid of any possible thing onto his clothes. Taeil couldn't control but laugh at the giant's flusteredness to a mini spider.

"Not really in this room but I guess I've seen some here." Taeil exclaimed thoughtfully as he finished cleaning the last shelf.

Jungwoo breathed in relief. "That must be just your thinking Taeil Hyung. It must be something else."

Taeil shrugged at Jungwoo's response but still kept his point. "Still, there could be an insect so either way, I've got to get pest control once. Anyways, the shelves are now ready to keep the books so let's get them."

They both went to the pile of books and started placing them into the shelf one by one until something caught the younger's eye and made them stop.

"Oh my why! I think I saw it!" Jungwoo yelled a little in fear and Taeil giggled. "Saw what?" The elder interrogated.

"The spider. Ohh… I don't want to be bit by it and become a spiderman."

"Well if you insist then we can leave this up to me and go grab a meal outside?" Taeil suggested

The younger gave a look to the latter knowing that the other was trying to prevent him from helping him with the cleaning any further. "I suddenly feel like becoming a spiderman."

Taeil laughed lightly at the other's stubbornness. "As your wish, spiderman." He said as he cooed Jungwoo to which the younger reacted like an annoyed child.

They continued with their work and Jungwoo, despite wanting to be spiderman, was still worried about any slider biting him out of nowhere. To make his nightmare real he actually saw a spider. "Spider!" He screamed and tried to swift away only to be tripped onto his toe and lose balance causing him to fall. Much to his surprise, he stumbled onto Taeil making the shorter fall with him as well.

A thud came as they both fell onto the ground. Jungwoo went worried when the elder fell underneath him. He was about to get up and apologize but found that the latter was laughing. He tried checking if he was hurt or not only to realize that they both were thankfully okay and dangerously close.

His mind started picturing things when he saw how small and pure the elder looked while laughing underneath him. Taeil's body touching his own frame as he laughed and breathed heavily making his chest go up and down. The smaller was locked under him and he could do all the things he's been urging to do since months. How his heart wished if they would fall like that on the bed.

"Jungwoo are you okay?" Taeil asked, breaking Jungwoo's picturization. "Y-yeah." He replied.

The elder smiled at the younger and ruffled his hair. "Come one. Let's set it all up before the spider would make you spiderman." Jungwoo smiled sheepishly but nodded nonetheless.

Soon they were done with cleaning and settling the house. However, it took way too much time and energy that Taeil didn't feel like cooking anything which led them to order pizza in the end and Jungwoo didn't even complain because first, Taeil didn't get busy in another work, second, they both were watching some random drama together while eating their pizza.

"Taeil Hyung, why are you not taking any more slices? Are you full already?" Jungwoo asked, noticing that the elder wasn't eating. Elder wasn't responding, as well. He tried to shake the other to get his attention only to find that the latter was dozing off on the couch. A smile appeared on his face when he saw how peacefully the elder was sleeping.

He started making him lay down on the couch and made him comfortable. He searched for a blanket but there were none in the living room so he decided to just put his own blazer on Taeil and sat down next to him, admiring the man of his dreams in the closest way ever.

Taeil had always looked so fine but while sleeping, he looked finest. His eyes closed, hair messy, peaceful expression and lips. Parted lips.

Jungwoo hesitated a little as he reached his hand to feel Taeil's face. Caressing every inch of skin he could. How could someone be so hypnotizing with literally doing nothing?

He couldn't control but rub his thumb lightly on Taeil's bottom lip. His body somewhat automatically working and he just more than loved the feeling of it. Taeil was so sinfully hypnotizing his soul and the latter didn't even know.

He gulped as he realized what he was going to do next. But he couldn't control himself anymore. Not especially when Taeil was seducing him so badly just by sleeping. He kept leaning down and down until he reached the pair of lips he's been hungry for.

At first, he couldn't believe that it was actually happening so he sucked harder on the elder's lips swallowing the chapstick like juice. He had never kissed someone and he didn't expect to kiss someone for the first time without their acknowledgement. He didn't care, though. All he cared about was his hunger, thirst and lust. And of course, love.

The elder moaned in sleep and Jungwoo swore he could just… He pulled away and shook his head. He took a long breath and drank water as he calmed himself.

He turned his head to look at Taeil again who was still in sleep. Although he really wanted to wreck the latter right there, he knew it wasn't a right move to take especially when he was in love with the elder over lust. Yes. "I am so in love with you Moon Taeil and I promise to you that I'll soon make you mine."