WebNovelBIG BRO93.33%


They kissed passionately for a few moments and soon they were on Taeil's bed.

Jungwoo started trailing down the latter's neck sucking and leaving fresh bruises. Taeil started leaving sinful noises which just made Jungwoo wild. It always did though.

He then started sliding his hand inside the elder's shirt. Taeil shivered lightly and he pulled away immediately.

"I'm sorry, babe. I should understand if you need sometime…"

The younger started taking his hands off but Taeil stopped him. "No. It's just, I'm just nervous Woo-ah. But, I want this. I want you."

Jungwoo felt as if he was dreaming for a second. That couldn't be happening. At least not that quickly. His luck couldn't be that good in a sudden. "A-are you sure babe? It's fine. Don't force it up Taeil. I don't want to hurt you."

"Yes, love. I need you. Please…"

"Well if that's what my Moon wants, who am I to refuse?"

That night, another part of Taeil was broken. As well as his promise to be Dongyoung's last.


Taeil didn't know anymore as to what had happened or was happening. He didn't know if he was even alive or not. Maybe he was from the outside. But from the inside, he was dead. His soul had left his body the moment he felt touches of some other man on his body who was not the man he was in love with. Who was not Dongyoung. He was nothing but just just a lifeless body which yearned for an entire death. Yearned for everything to be stopped.

"Good morning sunshine. Or should I say, moonlight?"

Taeil looked at Jungwoo as the younger one came with a tray of breakfast. He was all dressed up and must have had showered already as he was smelling like the shampoo that Taeil had bought for Dongyoung. It was Dongyoung's favourite one and it's fragrance reminded Taeil of their romantic showers they had together.

He realized that he hadn't got up from the bed since last si he immediately checked himself if he was still naked but surprisingly he was dressed in clean clothes. The duvet and blanket were also changed in the clean from the ones that were messed last night.

"Sorry, couldn't change the bedsheets as you were sleeping and I didn't have a heart to disturb a peacefully sleeping beauty."

Taeil smiled at the latter gently as he forwarded the tray. "Here, I've made breakfast for you. Not really good at cooking like you or Doyoung Hyung, but still it should be fine for eating. Also, I've washed the blankets and clothes already since I woke up early today. I didn't want you to work yourself after a wild night and especially when it was me who messed your house. Besides, a precious Moon like you doesn't deserve to be overworking at all."

The elder couldn't say anything in response but to look amusingly at the latter. He wouldn't lie but the younger was really an amazing and stunning person. Jungwoo not only had godly visuals but an angelic aura as well. He bet a lot of guys and girls would have fallen for the giant male already. He too would have fallen but he just couldn't. Just couldn't because his heart was already stolen when he was a kid.

"Jungwoo, why did you love me?" Taeil blurted out nonchalantly.

Jungwoo chuckled as he answered, "Why wouldn't I? You're the happiness of my life and lightness in dark times. The moon of my universe and the only soul I could trust."

Taeil didn't know what to say or how to react. So he just started shedding tears and his face started going red and puffy. Jungwoo frowned but just pulled the latter in a comforting hug instead of interrogating. He just wanted the other to be safe, secured, cherished and happy.

"You're getting warm babe. I think you've got a mild fever and seem stressed as well. Was I rough last night?" He asked while blushing and smiling sheepishly.

A sudden phone ring came and Jungwoo grabbed his phone from the nightstand. "Miss. Wendy is calling. I thought we'd go together but you need some pretty rest babe. Don't worry, I'll inform her so you can take a rest as much as you feel like." He went to Taeil's side again and kissed his forehead softly.

"Take care babe. Just call me if you need me." He said and bid his goodbye but not forgetting to remind the elder to meals and meds on time.

After Jungwoo was gone, Taeil stood up and went to the bathroom to refresh himself. He looked at his reflection in the mirror as soon as he reached the sink and the first were the fresh marks through his neck to his jaw.

He started the faucet and splashed water onto the marks as if trying to wash them out from his skin. To vanish them away which didn't happen obviously.

His image with those marks enraged him and without a second, he reached the rack, pulling out the metallic soap dispenser and threw it at the mirror roughly.

The glass shattered into pieces, collapsing on the floor and so did him. He started sobbing harder and harder but no one was there to listen to his piteous sobs. Just like his piteous self.

He felt so disgusted and disappointed with himself. Whatever was happening with him was because of himself. Not because of Dongyoung nor Jungwoo but him and himself only because he was too dumb and dense that he couldn't even figure out Jungwoo's actions from the start. Didn't keep himself on track and followed stupid paths because of his desperateness for Dongyoung. One of his foolish moves was to follow Dongyoung until now and still not wanting to stop.

He was such a fool. Fool in love.


"No, no. Not these textures. This interior doesn't seem that impressive to me. Yeah it could be possible that Jaehyun may have thought I would go for them but that's fine. He is a kid so he doesn't-"

"Doyoung Hyung!"

The elder startled a little as the younger stomped in without a warning. "Okay I'll get back to you in a moment something came up here." Dongyoung said as he hung the call and turned his attention to the latter. "Woo-ah you startled me. What's up?"

The younger giggled and started speaking. "Got you scared? Oh come on, I bet I got the boss Dongyoung scared!"

Dongyoung sighed and pinched the latter's ear playfully making the other whine in protest. "Yes boss Uwu, you got me. Now may I know what's up? Or should I say what's something special that's up since you're smiling like an idiot since you arrived."

"Well, you can say I'm an idiot. Idiot in love." He said and laughed at his own joke lightly as he searched for something. "Anyways, I wanted to show you something Big Bro. And, even wanted your help with it." He then moved two mini boxes in front of his brother and Dongyoung gasped.

"What is this?" Dongyoung asked in a low tone.

"I don't know. What you think, poppins?" He joked again and the elder didn't seem impressed so spoke further immediately.

"Of course they're rings, Hyung. That I'm planning to put on Taeil during our wedding."

Dongyoung felt his heartbeat stopping.

"But I couldn't pick one. They both are looking so fine but I'm still unsure. And that's why I'm here to ask for your suggestion!"

Dongyoung knew that Jungwoo was so, so in love with Taeil to dedicate his entire soul to him as well as take major moves for the same. But he didn't expect he'd go this far. Wasn't it like the only thing left he could do as a lover because after that they'd be bonded legally and he'd probably lose every chance, every hope to get back with his lover. He'd lose Taeil forever.

"A-are you sure about this Jungwoo?"

"Not really. Just like I side. I need your-"

"No, no. I mean, are you sure about marrying Taeil? Do you not think it's a little… Fast? Should you not wait?"

"No? I mean, we're in love and love is our fate. Then what's the point in wait? We've been together for months to realize that our love is true. Then it's the time to let the whole world know too."

Only if Dongyoung had that confidence…

"Except, if you think otherwise… Do you not agree with our marriage Hyung?" The younger asked with his usual melting expression. Dongyoung was torned but he couldn't just let it be this time. If he'd let go this time then there's no way turning back. If he'd let Taeil go this time, he'd never gonna have him again.

"No. I mean, I don't have any objections Woo-ah. How would I even? It's about my little brother's marriage! I'm just amazed at how much you've grown and I didn't even realize it. A fine man ready to start a family of his own huh."

Jungwoo smiled sheepishly as his cheeks turned red. "We'll still live together, Hyung. So we'd be a big family especially after you get married as well."

Well, what could be worse? Nothing really. Jungwoo was in love with Taeil and his actions already showed how stronger his love was along with himself. He was way much better and endearing in every aspect than Dongyoung himself. As a human, a brother, a lover and now probably as a husband as well. Maybe it was fate. Fate always decides everyone's good. It was for Taeil and Jungwoo's good. It was for his own good.

"As for the ring, I won't suggest either of them…" Dongyoung started as he reached for his bag, springing an elegant tiny box.

"Here, this was gifted by mom and it's been with me ever since. She wanted me to put it on someone I love and would marry but because you're gonna bring my brother in law at home first, I'm giving this to you now."

Jungwoo gasped as he examined the fine elegant material which actually looked entirely unique and aesthetic than any design he had seen in showcases. "It's so beautiful Hyung. Just like Taeil. Thank you so much Hyung. You're the best!" He said as he hugged his elder brother in glee. "Now all I just wish that Taeil would say yes…"

Dongyoung took a breath as he kept his tears from falling and started stroking the younger's back in an assuring way and said, "He must say yes Little Bro. Just trust your Big Bro."