
--Zero Months Until Purgatory. --

Awaiting in the lounge room was a complete ensemble of Outlanders, meeting both Ren and Iris as the day of reckoning had arrived for them.

As he expected, both Sirius and Sora looked as if they were fighting the battle of their lives against their tears, Sora had clearly lost that battle, though. The moment Ren's foot met with the ground beyond the final step of the stairs, he was plunged into the embrace of Sirius, followed by Sora encasing both of them with his massive wingspan.

"Cut it out, would--"

Stopping himself, Ren couldn't help but smile at the warmth provided to both his body and heart, relieving himself to the caring embrace.

"You better come back, you hear me? I'll go in there myself to get you out if I have to! Just make sure you get through it, no matter what, little bro."

Sirius ran his gloved fingers through the young man's fluffy locks, meeting him eye to eye with his damp azures.

"I will."