Macheo, The Weak of Heart

--Short, slicked-back blonde hair with reddish-brown eyes...A scar across his nose and a burn mark on his forehead; he matches the description that Heldjrim gave me, there's no mistake.

"Macheo, right?"

Calling out to the young man for the first time, he raised an eyebrow at the clear mention of his name. Keeping Uylia behind her back, Iris faced the youthful man with a narrowed gaze, readying herself for battle if it came to that.

It was clear by one look at him that he was prospering within the trial, wearing a set of light-leather made of dark fabric with crimson and gold etchings sewed into it, giving it a design giving an air both of regality and of adventure. Waiting at his hip were a plethora of magical tools tied to his belt, which he kept his hand near with clear intentions of battle showing in both his eyes and body language.

"I will ask you once, how do you know my name?"
