Times of Mercy

Gritting his teeth, his body felt like an oven; the prolonged, continuous usage of Particle Shade to traverse the pitch-black side of the cliff had pushed him more than he thought. The constant, subtle vibration he could feel glide across his fingertips put him in a constant state of anxiety as he waited for the burrowers that laid dormant.

It was hard to tell just how far he had climbed by now; not trusting his own sense of time as all of his other senses at the moment were lacking. All he knew was that he was high enough now to illicit that ticklish filling from within his abdomen--as if a million little butterflies were dancing about from within his stomach.

--Still nothing from that damn cat...I don't want to admit it, but I miss his stupid "nya"--anything is better than the ambiance of this creepy cavern.