Interlude: The Land of History, Divinity, and Tranquility -- Jinyue (Act One) Pt.2

Racing to their private classroom, Huohua pressed herself ahead of her sister; picking up her speed as she abandoned any chance of moving like the noble lady she was expected to behave as. As with most twins, there was an air of competitiveness that came with anything; running, eating, schoolwork, fighting--it was all fair game between the sisters. 


Finding herself slacking behind her abrasive sister, who held a confident smirk in her speed, Zhihua sucked in a quick breath; pressing herself onward as a light, warm glow radiated off of her skin. Using this enigmatic energy, Zhihua easily passed up her more physically adept sister. 

"--That's not fair, Zhi! Xianyi said...Fine then!"