A Relieved Heart

"Just a bit more to go."

Velrum called out as if reading the impatient air around Ren. As the ghostly-haired Outlander followed the two down the wide tunnel, he noticed that the slightly taller of the two, Velrum, kept his hand pressed against the wall as if using it as a crutch. 

"Is there really a whole village in a place like this?"

Ren asked the question that had plagued his mind since dropping down. The width of the passageway was filled with nothing but darkness and damp stone; not a single sign of life other than those he saw existed. 

"Still doubting us?"

"Of course I am."

"Good; that means you aren't an idiot."

Imparting some wisdom onto Ren, Moko's words only seemed to put the young man on his guard before the primorelf waved his hand as if saying, "I'm kidding". 

"Oh, we're here."

"...We are?"